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婚前梅毒检测80例分析(临床医学论文资料) 文档信息 : 文档作为关于“医学心理学”中“皮肤病学与性病学”的参考范文,为解决如何写好实用应用文、正确编写文案格式、内容素材摘取等相关工作提供支持。正文6215字,doc格式,可编辑。质优实惠,欢迎下载! 目录 TOC \o "1-9" \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:婚前梅毒检测80例分析 1 1.资料与方法 3 1.1一般资料 3 1.2方法 3 1.3统计学方法 4 2.结果 5 3.结论 6 文2:两种梅毒检测方法比较 7 2.3 两种梅毒检测方法比较 9 参考文摘引言: 11 原创性声明(模板) 12 正文 婚前梅毒检测80例分析(临床医学论文资料) 文1:婚前梅毒检测80例分析 Analysis of 80 cases of pre-marital syphilis test Summary:Objective:To investigate the pre-marital syphilis test by combining 80 cases of pre-marital syphilis test results.METHODS:Eighty cases of pre-marital syphilis testing from December 2017 to December 2018 were selected as subjects.The syphilis test results were recorded and the pre-marital syphilis general condition and treatment were analyzed.RESULTS:Of the 80 test subjects from December 2017 to December 2018, 10 cases of syphilis were detected,accounting for 12.5%.There was no significant difference in the detection rate of syphilis (P>0.05).Among the 10 patients with syphilis 8 males,accounting for 80%;2 females,accounting for 20%;the education level is mainly primary school,junior high school,high school / secondary school.2 patients received complete treatment,accounting for 20%,4 patients were treated, accounting for 40%,4 patients were abandoned,accounting for 40%Conclusion:Most of the detected peo are low-educated peonnel,and the proportion of those who complete all treatments is low.Therefore, relevant departments should strengthen publicity and education. Key words:premarital;syphilis detection;investigation and analysis 前言: 梅毒是常见的性传播疾病,感染梅毒螺旋体后能够侵犯全身组织及器官,可引起全身多脏器损害,严重危及身体健康,人体感染后,可产生多种特异性抗体,主要有IgM、IgG两类。IgM抗体持续时间短,IgG抗体可终生存在,但抗体浓度一般较低,不能预防再感染。近年来虽然居民文化水平和个人素质得到极大的提高,人们对健康的意识不断上升,然而梅毒的发病率在我国卫生部规定的乙类法定传染病中增速最快。笔者将在本研究中结合80例婚前梅毒检测结果,调查分析婚前梅毒检测情况 1.资料与方法 1.1一般资料 选取2017年12月~2018年12月的80例婚前梅毒检测人员作为研究对象,年龄18~50岁,平均年龄(32.39±4.67)岁。 1.2方法 参照《2015 年美国疾病控制中心性传播疾病诊断和治疗指南——梅毒的诊断和治疗指南》中梅毒检测方法进行梅毒筛查和治疗,对非梅毒螺旋体抗原血清学检查阳性者进一步进行梅毒螺旋体抗原血清学检查,两种检查结果均呈阳性方可判断为梅毒感染



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