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考研英语长难句重点难点解析含译 文翻译.月艮…药 Are you still on antibiotics? 你还在服用抗生素吗? .挣…钱,工资为... Hes on quite a good salary now. 他现在的工作相当高了。 She must be on at least ¥500000 a year. 她一年至少能挣五十万。 .乘坐(公共汽车,火车,飞机等)Did you manage to sleep on the plane? 你在飞机上睡着了吗? Ill probably come on my b汰e. 我很可能骑自行车来。 .吃…,喝…They live mainly on beans and rice. 他们主要食用豆类和米饭。 Is your baby on solid food yet? 你的宝宝开始吃固体食物了吗? be/get under your feet:在你身边烦着你,妨碍着你I hate summer vacation. The kid is under my feet all day long. 我不喜欢暑假,孩子整天缠着我。 put your foot down:果断行事,坚持立场Youll just have to put your foot down and tell him he cant stay out on school nights. 你一定要态度坚决,告诉他,如果第二天要上学,晚上就不能在外面逗 留。 put your foot in it:失言,讲错话Fve really put my foot in it this time. I didnt realize that was her husband! 我这次真是讲错话了,我没想到那人是她的丈夫! Sstart/get off on the wrong/right foot:开始关系不好/好Youre starting off on the wrong foot in every way, my dear. 亲爰的,你一开始就在各方面给人留下坏印象。 Hes as old as you, nearly,HI said. nHe made me start off on the wrong foot.他和你差不多大呢。我说「是他让我犯的错。 He and I got off on the wrong foot but were good friends now. 我和他一开始关系不好,但是现在成了好朋友。 have/keep both feet on the ground:脚踏实地He was always level-headed with both feet on the ground. 他总是头脑冷静,脚踏实地。 fall/land on your feet:好运气,走运He has good looks and charm, and always falls on his feet. 他长相英俊,也有魅力,而且好运连连。 〃土生土长〃英语有以下5种表达方法: locally born and bredborn and brought up in the locality born and bredI was born and bred in Wuhan. 我生于武汉,长于武汉。 He liked Maycomb, he was Maycomb County born and bred. 他喜欢梅科姆,他是土生土长的梅科县人。 indigenousBlueberries are indigenous to America. 蓝莓原产于美国。 nativeSingapore has many native species of palm. 新加坡有很多土生的棕榴树种。


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