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会计学第1页/共31页Let’s chantI’ m going to buy a book.I’ m going to take a look.I’ m going to bake a cake.I’ m going to walk near a lake.We’ re going to take a trip.We’ re going to take a sip.I’ m going outside to play.I’ m going to have a good day.第2页/共31页What are you going to do?Im going to swim.第3页/共31页What is he going to do?He is going to read a book.第4页/共31页What is she going to do?She is going to play basketball.第5页/共31页What are they going to do?They are going to sing songs.第6页/共31页一般将来时基本结构(一): 明天我将要去游泳。I am going to swim tomorrow. 明年他将要去参观北京。He is going to visit beijing next year.主语+be going to+ 动词原形+(宾语)+时间状语谓语第7页/共31页主语+be going to+动词原形+(宾语)+时状翻译下列句子:1.明天我要去英国。2. 明天他要做家务。3. 明天我们要下象棋。4. 明天他们要踢足球。5. 明天露西要听音乐。I am going to go to the UK tomorrow.He is going to do the housework tomorrow.We are going to play chess tomorrow.They are going to play football tomorrow.Lucy is going to listen to music tomorrow.第8页/共31页人物:我;我们;你;你们;他;她;他们大明;玲玲;我爸爸;他的叔叔……动作:做家务;做家庭作业;拍照;读书;骑自行车;放风筝;踢足球;打篮球;看电视;下象棋;划龙舟;打太极拳……时间:下周一/……;下周;下个月;明天;明年……第9页/共31页我下周一将要打篮球。我下周日将要放风筝。定义:表示将来发生的动作(或存在的状态)。第10页/共31页句式转换:She is going to watch TV tomorrow.否定句:She isn’t going to watch TV tomorrow.疑问句:Is she going to watch TV tomorrow?肯否定回答:Yes,she is./ No,she isnt.句式转换由be来完成:否定be + not 疑问be 提前第11页/共31页句式转换:I am going to swimtomorrow.否定句:I am not going to swim tomorrow.疑问句:Are you going to swim tomorrow?肯否定回答:Yes,I am./ No,I am not.句式转换由be来完成:否定be + not 疑问be 提前第12页/共31页我下周一将要打篮球。我下周二将要放风筝。我下周三将要做家务。我下周四将要听音乐。I will play basketball next Monday.I will fly a kite next Tuesday.I will do the housework next Wednesday.I will listen to music next Thursday.第13页/共31页比较下列句子:1. 我打篮球。 I play basketball.2. 她唱歌。 She sings songs.3. 他骑自行车。 He rides a bike.4. 埃米放风筝。Amy flies a kite.我明天将要打篮球。I will play basketball tomorrow.她明天将要唱歌。She will sing songs tomorrow.他明天将要骑自行车。He will ride a bike tomorrow.埃米明天将要放风筝。Amy will fly a kite tomorrow.第14页/共31页一般将来时的基本结构(二):Iwill play basketball tomorrow.主语+will+动词原形(宾语)+时间状语+谓语第15页/共


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