2023年外研版七年级英语下册Module 11Body language Unit 2 模块检测试卷.doc

2023年外研版七年级英语下册Module 11Body language Unit 2 模块检测试卷.doc

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——Keep pushing—— ——Keep pushing—— PAGE / NUMPAGES ——Keep pushing—— Module 11Body language Unit 2 模块检测试卷 根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词 1 There’re five f____________ on each hand 2 My uncle h____________ my arm and asked me many things about my grandparents 3 We m_____________ to Shanghai because my father found a new job in Shanghai 4 In B_____________ , people speak British English 5 Hey, boy! Come here and sit on my k________________ and listen to my interesting stories 6 You can’t find your camera. Maybe you put it ____________ in your room (某个地方) 7 They ___________ to say goodbye to me and left (挥手) 8 How many kinds of _______________ languages do you know ?(外国的) 9 It’s not _____________ to look somewhere else in China when you talk (礼貌的) 10 In _________________ , he is afraid of marking a speech in public (事实) 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 The baby’s ________________(foot) are larger 2 I want to make friends with some ____________(foreign) because I want to practice my English 3 This is my ____________(person) letter. You shouldn’t read it 4 The boy is _____________(polite) and he is shouting at his mother 5 Look! She is _____________(wave) her hands / 单项选择 ( ) 1 Here _________ some ways to greet others A have B has C are D is ( ) 2 They are walking to the park arm ________ arm A for B by C in D to ( ) 3 I;m ________ my keys . I think they are missing A looking at B looking after C looking for D looking up ( ) 4 They are _________ about the weather A talking B saying C speaking D telling ( ) 5 It’s difficult for me _______ English . Please give me some advice A learn B learning C to learn D learns ( ) 6 I left my bag ______. Did you see it ? A somewhere else B else somewhere C anywhere else D else anywhere ( ) 7 Lisa’s brother is ______


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