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无刷直流电机的控制 清华大学电机系电气工程及其 自动化专业 中文摘要 本文首先论述了无刷直流电动机的历史、发展、基本组成环节、基本工作 原理、运行特性和存在的问题。介绍了当前国内外解决无刷直流电动机输出转 矩脉动问题的研究概况。 文中阐述了新型无刷直流电动机无转矩脉动输出的工作原理,详细给出了 新型电机的本体 构及用于控制电机换流的变频器拓扑设计方案。设计了以 ADMC(F)341为主控芯片的控制系统和以MOSFET为开关器件变频器主回路用于 电机控制。文中对整个控制系统的硬、软件设计作了详细论述,硬件部分重点 论述了电源电路、驱动电路、绝对值整流电路,以及各个硬件电路设计的要点、 方法和一些重要电子元器件参数的选择。软件部分包括了整体设计和几个主要 子程序的设计。文中还给出了利用单个电流传感器检测三相电流方案的工作原 理。应用上述软硬件进行了实验,文中给出的实验 果表明本文所设计的基于 ADMC(F)341芯片的新型无转矩脉动的无刷直流电动机系统能够正常工作。 关键词:无刷直流电动机 ADMC(F) 341 转矩脉动 Abstract Based on the overview of solve ripple-free torque about BLDCM , the thesis expound the history, the development, the basic component parts, the basic operational principle, the operational characteristic and existing problem of the Brushless DC Motor(BLDCM). The thesis dissertate the basic running principle of A New Ripple-Free Torque Brushless DC Motor. The basic structure of new motor and the topology of power circuit of the inverter are given. The digital process chip, ADMC(F)341, is used in control system as centre of the motor control, and the MOSFET is applied in the inverter as switch device also. The hardware and software design of the whole control system is introduced in detail. The chapter of hardware design first explains the whole design. Then the design of several primary circuit is discussed and the choice of some important electronic component of power circuit , driver circuit , absolute value commutation circuit. The chapter of software design also first gives the whole design. Then the design of several primary subroutines is discussed. The basic principle that it can measure three phase current by one current sensor was detailed analyzed. We apply the design scheme above to a Brushless DC Motor. The experimental results indicate that the new ripple-free torque brushless DC motor control system bas


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