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• 60 • 轻金属 2020年第9期 •相关技术• 铝电解固废处理过程中高盐高氟废水中氟的去除研究 张延利 (中铝郑州有色金属研究院有限公司,河南郑州450041) 摘要:本丈皋用化学沉淀-混■凝沉淀飭方法 ,利用石灰乳、氯化铝对铝电解大修渣湿法处理产生餡离盐含氟废水进 行除氟处理 。研究结果表明,石灰沉淀法可有效去除高盐高氟废水中飭氟,可使氟离子浓度降低至19. 0 mg/L0 A1C13 -6H2O W加入有利于离盐离氣废水中氟餡去除,在n(A]/F)等于5.0时,上清液中氟离子浓度为2.7mg/L,其作用的 pH最隹值约为6. 5 ~7. 5 。化学沉淀-混凝沉淀法对铝电解大修渣•湿法处理后的高盐含氟废水中飽杂质离子具有较 好的协同处置效果,为高盐溶液的后续处理和高值化利用提供了更广阔的空间。 关键词:高盐高氣;氟飽去除;工业氧化岛 中图分类号 :TF821 文献标识码 :B 文章编号 :1002-1752(2020)09-0060-03 DOI: 10.13662/j. cnki. qjs. 2020.09.013 Study on removal of fluorine from high - salt and high - fluorine wastewater in the solid waste treatment of aluminum reduction Zhang Yanli (Zhengzhou Non —ferrous Metals Research Institute Co., Ltd. of CHALCO, Zhengzhou 450041, China) Abstract:In this paper, th limemilk and aluminum chlorid ar used with th method of chemical precipitation and coagulation precipitation to remov fluorin from th high - salt and fluorin - containing wastewater produced by th wet treatment of aluminum spent lining. Th results show that th method of lim precipitation can effectively remov fluorin from th high - salt and high - fluorin wastewater, as a result of which th concentration of fluorin ion can b reduced to 19.0 mg/L. Th addition of A1C13 • 6H2O is helpful to removing fluorin from th high - salt and high - fluorin wastewater. When n ( Al/F) is equal to 5. 0, th concentration of fluorin ion in th supernatant is 2.7 mg/L, and th optimal pH valu is about 6.5 ~ 7.5. Th method of chemical precipitation and coagulation precipitation has a good synergistic treatment effect on th impurity ions in th high - salt and fluorin - contai­ ning wastewater after th we


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