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写作句型? ●Theargument? 开头段的思路:? 第一句指出原论证的结构或主张? 第二句指出原论证的论据? 第三句指出原论证的重要假设? 最后指出原论证犯有逻辑错误? 正文:? 一段一个方面,注意句型? 结尾:? 结论,对如何加强提出建议。? 开头段模式:? 1.?Inthis argument, the arguer recommend (conclude) that…? 2.?Thisrecommendation is based on the result (evidence; fact) of the survey that…? 3.?Inaddition, the arguer assumes this…? 4.?Acareful examination would review how groundless the argument (conclusion) is…? 对于文中涉及数字的黄金句型:? 1.?Thesurvey on which the argument relies lacks credibility and therefore does notlend strong support to what the arguer assumes.? 2.?Thestatistical evidence on which the argument depends is so vague(unrepresentative) that it does not validate the auger’s assumption (claim).? 对于正文有用的句型:? 1.?Theargument rests on the unfounded(unconvincing, unreasonable, gratuitous, groundless, unwarranted) assumption that…? 2.?Thearguer fails to take Into account other possible factors that might (lend to,result in)…? 3.?Thearguer ignores other relevant factors concerning +名词结构? 4.?Thearguer fails to convince us that (sb of)…? 5.?Theevidence provided in this argument is not sufficient to validate the assumptionthat…? 黄金句型? 1.?Thearguer fails to provide solid (any, sufficient, concrete) evidence to provethat …/to support the assumption that…/to validate the assumption that…/quarantine the conclusion that…? 2.Another point worth concerning is that the arguer fails to take into account…? 3.?Thereasoning that …is open to doubt /unreliable/problematic.? 4.Another assumption in short of legitimacy is the causal of relationship betweenAB./…is that /the claim that…? 5.?Thefact that …says little (nothing) about…? 对于正文的分析以及结尾模式:? 1.?采取推测法,推测有可能的例证,反例,推测作者论证可导致的其它结论。? It is likely (possible) that…? It is impossible that…? One possibility is that…another possibility is that…the thirdpossibility is that…? May, might, perhaps? 2.?假设? If… even If; granted that …we can not ensure that… ,unless….? 结尾的三句话框架:? 指出原论者没有论证自己的结论,分别指出可以从正文所分析的方面加强原论证。? 三个结尾的范例:? 1.?Inthis conclusion, the arguer fail


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