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Chapter 6 Terms of Payment1/38
IntroductionRemittance汇付汇款人将货款交所在地银行,由该银行委托收款人所在地银行转交给收款人。T/T电汇:进口地银行用电报通知出口地银行付款给出口人M/T信汇:进口地银行用信件通知出口地银行付款给出口人D/D票汇:进口人向当地银行购置即期汇票,寄给进口人,出口人持票向指定银行收取货款。payment in advance预付货款,cash with order随定单付现cash on delivery交货付现, open account trade记帐交易2/38
Steps of WritingSuggest the terms of payment Step1: Mention the contract, goods, etc.Eg:1) We refer you to Contract No…2) Referring to …3) With regard to (With reference to )…5/38
Steps of WritingStep 2: Propose the terms of payment and the reason.1) As… we shall be glad if you …2) As you know… we suggest…3) Owing to … we would appreciate it if you… 6/38
Steps of WritingStep 3: Wish the reader to accept.1) We wish you can accommodate us in this respect.2) We hope to receive your favorable reply.7/38
Steps of WritingReply to the proposal of payment termsStep 1: State that you have received the letter.1) We have received your letter of…2) Thank you for your letter…8/38
Steps of WritingStep 2: Give your reply of agreeing or refusing and your reason.1) We agree to…2) We want to make it clear that…3) With regard to … we regret being unable to accept.9/38
Steps of WritingStep 3: State your good will and your wish to do business with the reader. 1) It is in view of our friendly relationship that we extend you this accommodation.2) We sincerely hope that we can…10/38
Letter 1 Asking for payment by term L/C11/38
Language Points1. pay v. 付款 1) pay in advance 预付 2) pay by installments 分期付款 3) pay on delivery 货到付款 4) pay by 30 days L/C pay by time L/C at 30 days 以见票后30天议付信用证付款 5) pay by sight L/C 以即期信用证付款 We trust you will pay our draft on presentation. 我们相信你方在见到我们汇票时即照付。 12/38
2. payable a. 应付,可付 1) bills payable 应付票据 2) amount payable 应付金额 3) ac
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