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辽宁省高等教育自学考试 公司管理
毕 业 设 计 (论 文)
设计题目: 中国平安保险公司绩效考核研究
2015 年 8 月
摘 要
绩效考核是公司以一定的标准对其员工在工作岗位上的工 作行为表现和工作结果方面的情况进行收集、分析、评价和反馈, 以便形成客观公正的人事决策过程等。绩效考核,是人力资源管 理中一项重要的活动。 通过绩效考核的反馈,可使员工认识到工 作中所存在的问题, 并恰当的运用绩效考核, 提高员工工作积极 性,从而提高企业的工作质量。
当前很多企业绩效考核与公司的实际情况脱节, 绩效考核重 复性、模仿性强,没有针对性;考核时间和方式比较僵化,各级 管理者与员工的参与度不够, 考核指标缺乏量化、 明确的工作绩 效评价指标;考核指标脱离岗位职责,工作任务、绩效评价不现 实,没有形成有效的反馈机制等等,使整个企业业绩考核体系形 同虚设,员工逆反心理严重, 达不到考核和目标, 甚至还导致许 多优秀的人才流失。
本文通过对绩效考核的阐述的基础上, 以中国平安保险公司 为例,提出了企业在绩效考核中出现的问题,并提出了相应的对 策。 本文共分为六个部分, 包括引言、理论概述,该公司绩效考 核的现状、所存在的问题及原因、针对这些问题所提出的对策及 建议,最后是对本文的一个总结, 明确指出了绩效考核的重要性, 企业应注重绩效考核。
关键词: 绩效考核 关键业绩 指标
Performance appraisal is the company to a certain standard to the employee workbehavior in the workplace performance and work in the situation to carry on the collection,analysis, evaluation and feedback, so as to form a personnel decision process is objective and fair. Performance appraisal is an important activity in human resource management.Through the feedback of performance appraisal, can make the employees to recognize the work of the existing problems, and the use of appropriate performance appraisal, improve employee job enthusiasm, so as to improve the quality of the work of the enterprise.
Based on the performance appraisal is elaborated on the basis of to China Pingan Insurance Company as an example, the proposed
enterprise appeared in the performance evaluation of
the problems, and puts forward some corresponding
countermeasures. This paper is divided into six parts, including introduction, theoretical overview, the company performance appraisal of the present situation, existing problems and the reasons for these problems and proposed the countermeasure and the suggestion, finally is a summary of this article, pointed out the importance of performance appraisal, enterprises should pay attention to the performan