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2021-2022年浙江省金华市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题(含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题) 1. Largely because of very low birth rate, ______ of farmland in Italy has already been abandoned. 2. The precondition of the appearance of anthocyanins is there is sugar in the leaf cells. A.Y B.N C.NG? 3. According to the passage, one health benefits of walking is that ______. A.your bone density will be decreased? B.you will lose weight in an easy and quick way? C.you will enjoy better heart condition? D.you will have stronger upper body muscles? 4. The most common style. of wind turbines, large or small, is the______, with the axis of the blades horizontal to the ground. 5. After the election Laura Bush has been more willing to open the White House, but after 9/11 she restricted ______. 6. The example of crossing the street shows that the middle school boy is ______. 7. Why did the negotiation finally fall into an impasse? A.Because India and China insisted to raise tariffs.? B.Because developing countries adopted protectionism.? C.Because developed countries subsidies are higher than the trigger set.? D.Because the existing tariffs agreements are not fair.? 8. The meaning of movers and shakers is______. 9. A copyright protects the expression of an idea through______ that is original to the author. 10. One security mode offered by Bluetooth is that data may be exchanged freely among the devices Bluetooth users establish as _______________. 11. The disability insurance obtained by the employee benefits plan is ______. A.not enough for a decent living? B.quite enough for a decent living? C.better than the salary by working regularly? D.as equal as your original weekly salary? 12. According to Paul Sheard, the actual FDI in China is estimated to rise from ______ to ______ by the end of 200 13. According to Dr. Joseph, journaling helps unemployed people______. A.have an objective comment on themselves? B.



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