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回回 c。pyright @2022 By 金heUnited Nations Development Program阴暗 ’ UN Pia:<α, New y。rk, NY 10017 USA All rights reserved. N。po忱。f this publicαti。n m。y be reproduced, 目。red in o retrieval system 。r transmitted, in ony f,。rm 。r by me。ns, electronic, mechαnicol. photoc。pying, recording 。r 。白erwise, without ρnor permiss,。n Soles n。 E. ISSN: 9789211264517 elSSN: 9789210016407 Print ISSN: 0969-4501 Online ISSN 2412-3129 A catalogue rec。rd for this bo。k is ovoiloble from the British librαry ond Librαry of c。ngress General disclaime陌, The des,gnot,ons employed ond the presentation The 2021/2022 Hur响αn of the material in this pubhcoti。n do n。t imply the expression of ony Devel。pmentRep。rt 。pint。n wh。性。ever 。n the port of the Human Development Rep。同 Office (HDRO) of 飞he United Notions Devel。pment P啕romme (UNDP) The 2021/2022 Humon Devel。pment h阳同 c。ncerning the legol st•。tus 。f ony c。untry, territ。ry. Ci飞γor 。reo 。r 。f its ,s the late目 的 the series 。f gl。bol Humon OU飞h。nties , 。r c。ncern,ng 飞he dehmitoti。n 。f its tr,。n飞iers 。r boundories. Developmen飞Rep。rts pυblished by the United Dotted ond doshed lines 。n mαps represent opproximote border lines Noti。ns Development Programme (UNDP) for which there moy n。t yet be full ogreement. since 1990 as independent ond analγtic oily 。nd empirically grounded discussi。ns of moj。r The findings, on。lysis, 。nd rec。mmendoti。ns 。f this Rep。同, 。s with development issues. trends and p。licies previ。us Rep。rts, d。n。t represent the 。ff


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