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人事管理系统毕业论文 Last updated at 10:00 am on 25th December 2020 本科毕业论文(设计) 人事管理系统的开发与设计 摘 要: 随着社会的发展互联网的利用率也在快速提高,在互联网高速发展的同时也大大提高 了人们的生活质量。在企业人事管理这方面,计算机的普及大大节省了公司管理成本,而 且效率也得到了很大的提高。 人事管理系统主要从公司人事管理员的角度管理公司的员工信息。本系统主要分为三 个模块,员工信息管理,考勤信息管理,工资信息管理三个模块。其中员工信息管理包括 了员工基本信息的增删改查,主要用于对公司员工的入职,离职,辞退等管理。员工考勤 管 理 包 括 了 员 工 的 请 假 , 休 假 , 迟 到 等 信 息 的增删改查的管理。员工工资管理模块主要是对于员工工资的上升下降等进行调整。 本 系 统 主 要 用java+js编 写 , 利 用springmvc+mybatis 框 架 进 行 整 合 , 利 用xhgq存 储 数 据 ,js编写前端人机交互页面,代码简介有效,界面整洁干净。 关键词: 人事管理; java; js; springmvc; mybatis The Development and Design of the Personnel Management System Abstract With the development of society, the utilization rate of the Internet is also rapidly increasing, and the development of the Internet has greatly improved peoples quality of life. In enterprise personnel management in this regard, the popularity of the computer greatly saves the cost of the companys management, but also a lot of efficiency has been greatly improved. Personnel management system mainly from the companys personnel management point of view of the companys staff information management. This system is mainly divided into three modules, employee information management, staff attendance management, staff salary management three modules. The staff information management including the employees of the basic information of the additions and deletions to change search, is mainly used for the companys employees entry, exit, such as the dismissal of service. Employee attendance management including employee leave, leave late information crud. Staff salary management module is mainly for the rise and fall of wages and other employees to adjust. The system is mainly prepared by springmvctmybatis, using the javatjs framework for integration, the use of MySQL storage data, JS to prepare the front end of human-computer interaction page, code brief introduction, the interface clean and tidy. Key words: personnel management; java; is; springmvc; mybatis 目 录 人事管理系统的开发与设


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