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Special Passengers Service 特殊旅客 Flight Regulations of Pregnant Passengers 孕妇旅客乘机规定 Notice Concerning Services for Pregnant Passengers 孕妇旅客乘机须知 If passengers are less than 32 weeks pregnant, the baby’s condition is healthy and stable, and they have not been cautioned against flying by the doctor, they can aboard flights as normal. However, some airlines advice and request those pregnant passengers to present continuous proof upon purchasing tickets, check-in, and boarding, such as medical records confirming the length of they pregnancy or a copy of the maternal health handbook signed by a doctor. 如果旅客怀孕不足32周,且身体健康、胎儿稳定,不属于医生诊断不适宜乘机者,可正常运输。但部分航空公司建议并要求这些孕妇旅客在购票、值机和登机时提供相关证明,比如孕期的连续病历或经医院盖章的孕妇保健手册复印件。 If passengers are between 32 and 36 weeks pregnant, they need to obtain a medical certificate certified by a hospital and signed by a doctor. Upon purchasing tickets, check-in, and boarding they need to present continuous medical records confirming the length of pregnancy, or a copy of the maternal health handbook signed by a doctor, so flight attendants can anticipate any needs they might have during the flight. 如果旅客怀孕超过32周但不足36周,则需要医院开具《适宜乘机诊断证明书》,医院盖章和医生签字。并在购票、值机和登机时提供证明孕期的连续病历或经医院盖章的孕妇保健手册复印件,以便乘务员了解其在乘机过程中的身体状况。 If passengers meet any of the conditions listed below, it may not be safe to fly: 如果旅客属于以下情形,则不适宜航空旅行: Pregnant 36 weeks or more at time of boarding 乘机时怀孕36周(含)以上 Due date is within four weeks of boarding 乘机时预产期在4周(含)以内 Possibility of premature birth 有早产症状 Due date is approaching and cannot be accurately confirmed, but you are expecting multiple births or complications in your delivery 预产期临近但无法确定正确日期, 但已知为多胎分娩或预计有分娩并发症 Have given birth in the last seven days 产后不足7天 Notice Concerning Medical certificate 《诊断证明书》须知 The medical certificate (in duplicate) should include the passenger’s full name, age, length of pregnancy, due date of the pregnancy, flight itinerary, any special care required upon boarding and during the flight, etc


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