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高考英语专题复习:原创语法填空题(附详解与翻译) 改编自China Daily 改编自China Daily最新实时新闻 月份15 (企业经济) Douyin, Tencent Video reach joint promotion agreement 抖音、腾讯视频达成联合推广协议(2023.4.7 ) Chinese short video platform Douyin, 1、_ is owned by tech heavyweight ByteDance, and Tencent Holdings Ltd's video streaming site Tencent Video have 2、 (recent) reached an agreement 3、—(explore) the joint promotion of both short 4、 —long videos, according to a statement released by Douyin on Friday. Douyin 5、the company will be authorized to use Tencent Video's long-form video content, and the rules about how secondary content can 6、(generate) have also been clarified. 7、—(User) from platforms such as Douyin, Xigua Video and Toutiao, which are all under the Douyin Group, will be able to re-create short videos by 8、—(use) the long video content on Tencent Video, it said. Douyin said it has been actively seeking collaboration with long-form video platforms, adding that the cooperation 9、Tencent will bolster the creation and dissemination of high-quality short video content and provide a 10、—(good) experience for users. 答案: 1、which考察的语句 2、recently考察副词 3、to explore考察不定式 4、and考察并列 5、 5、said考察过去时 6、be generated 考察被动 7、Users考察复数 8、using考察by是介词 9、with考察介词 10、better考察比较级 译文: 据斗牛士周五发布的一份声明,科技权重股ByteDance旗下的中国短视频平台斗牛士 (Douyin)与腾讯控股有限公司(Tencent Holdings Ltd)旗下的视频流媒体网站腾讯视频 (Tencen video)最近达成协议,探讨联合推广长短视频。 抖音表示,该公司将被授权使用腾讯视频的长视频内容,关于如何生成二次内容的规则 也已明确。 抖音集团旗下的抖音、西瓜视频和今日头条等平台的用户将能够通过使用腾讯视频上的 长视频内容来重新创作短视频。 抖音表示,它一直在积极寻求与长视频平台的合作,并补充说,与腾讯的合作将促进高 质量短视频内容的创作和传播,并为用户提供更好的体验。 Canberra's move against TikTok hurts confidence in Australia 堪培拉对TikTok的举动损害了澳大利亚的信心(2023.4.6 ) Australia's discriminatory restrictions against TikTok undermine the 1、—(confident) of the international community in the country's business environment, and harm the interests of Australian enterprises 2、— people, an official with the Ministry of Commerce said, urging Australia to treat all enterprises 3、—(fair). The official 4、—(make) the remarks when asked about Austra


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