
ASME B30.32-2021无人机系统(UAS)用于检查,测试,维护和装载操作.pdf

ASME B30.32-2021无人机系统(UAS)用于检查,测试,维护和装载操作.pdf

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Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Used in Inspection, Testing, Maintenance, and Load- Handling Operations AN AMERICAN NATIONA 且 STANDARD Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Used in Inspection, Testing, Maintenance, and Load- Handling Operations AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD A泪元、 )€放SI t与~己J The American Society of U丘.)® Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue • New York, NY • 10016 USA Date of l臼υance: May 9, 2022 The nextediti。n of this St andard is scheduled for publication in 2026. This Standard wil l become effective 1yea r after the Date 。f Issuance . ASME issues written replies to inq uiries c。ncerni ng interpretations 。f t echrnical aspect s of this Standard. Interpretations are publi shed 。n the ASME webs ite under the Committee Pages at / as they are issued. Errata to codes and st andards may be posted on the ASME webs ite u nder t he c。mmittee Pages to provide c。rrect旧ns to incorrectly published items, or to correct typogra phical or grammatical errors in codes and standa rds. Such erra ta shall be used 。n the date posted. The c。mmittee Pages can be found at /. There is an option available to automatically receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted t o a particular code or standard. This option can be fou nd on the appropr iate Committee Page aft er selecti ng “Errata” mt he Publicat旧n Information” section. ASME is the registered t rademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Th is code or standard was developed under pr。cedures accredited as meetingthe criteria for American Nati。nal Standards. The standards c。mmi忧ee t hat approved the c。de or standard was balanced t。 ensυre that individuals from c。mpetent and c。ncerned interests had an opp。同unity to part icipate The proposed code or standard was made availablefo


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