
ASME A17.6-2022 电梯悬挂、补偿和调速系统标准.pdf

ASME A17.6-2022 电梯悬挂、补偿和调速系统标准.pdf

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Standard for Elevator Suspension, Compensation, and Governor Systems AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Standard for Elevator Suspension, Compensation, and Governor Systems AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD A泪元、 )€放SI t与~己J The American Society of U丘.)® Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue • New York, NY • 10016 USA Date of Iss uance: March 27, 20.23 The next editi。n of th is Stand ard is schedu led fo r publication in 2027 . Th is code o r standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting t he criteria fo r American National Standards. The sta ndards c。mmittee that approved the code 。r sta ndard w as bala nced t。 ensure that individ uals from c。mpetent and concerned interests had an 。pportunity to participate. The proposed code 。r standa rd was mad e avai lable for public review and comment, wh ich provided an oppo内uni ty fo r add itiona l public inp ut from industry, academ ia, regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large. ASME does n。t approve;’certify; rate,"。r end。rse”any it em, constructior飞proprietary device, o r activ ity. ASME d oes not ta ke any po日tion w ith respect t o t he valid ity of any patent rights asserted in connecti 。n w ith any items mentioned in t h is document, and does not undertake to insure anyone uti lizing a standard aga inst liability for infringement of any applicable letters patent , nor does ASME assume any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determi nation 。f the validity of any such patent right s, and t he risk 。f infringement of such ri ghts,归 entirel y their own responsibility. Participation by fe deral agency representativ es or perso ns affiliated w ith ind ustry is not t。 be interpret ed as g。vernment or ind ustry end orsement of t his c。de or st andard. ASME accepts responsibility fo



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