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Retrofit Dual
Flush Devices for
Water αosets
Retrofit Dual
Flush Devices for
Water Closets
t与组议:J The American Society of
U丘J® Mechanical Engineers Two Pa『K Avenue • New York , NY • 10016 USA
Date 。f Issuance : February 2 1, 2018
Th is Standard w ill be revised when the Societ y ap proves the issuance of a new edition.
ASM E issues w r itten r eplies to inqu iries concerning interpr eta ti ons of techn ica l aspects of th is St andard. Interpret at ions are
pub lished o n the Commi忧ee Web page and under http :///lnterpsDatabase. Periodically certain actions of the
ASM EA 112 Comm it tee may be pu blished as Cases. Cases are published o n the ASME Web sit e und er the A11 2 Committee Page
at h忧p:///A112commi忧ee as they are issued .
Errata to codes and standa rds may be post ed on t he ASM E Web site under the Comm ittee Pages t o provide correctio ns t o
incorrect ly published items, o r to cor rect typograp hical o r grammatica l erro rs in codes and st andards. Such er rata shall be used
on the date post ed.
The A 112 Comm ittee Page can be foun d at http :///A112committee. T her e is an o ption availab le t o automatically
receive an e-mail notificati。n when err ata are posted to a particular code 。r standard. Th is o ption can be found on the
app ropr iate Comm ittee Page afte r selecting “Errata” in the Publicatio n Informati on” section.
ASME is t he regist ered t rademark 。f The Ame rican Society of Mechanical Engineers.
τhi s c。de 。r sta ndard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the crit eria for Ame rican Nati。nal Sta ndards . The Standards
Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure t hat individualsfrom
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