
ASME A112.19.2-2013 CSA B45.1-13 Ceramic plumbing fixtures 陶瓷管道装置陶瓷管道装置.pdf

ASME A112.19.2-2013 CSA B45.1-13 Ceramic plumbing fixtures 陶瓷管道装置陶瓷管道装置.pdf

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ASME A 112.19.2-2013/ CSA CSA 845.1-13 GroL』p Ceramic plumbing fixtures 六φI~ Co间啕”’ASMES鸭ematlonal P,。哨d回f 嗣S回detl国nsewlth 咱ME L•筒制..ur晴咱咧y。,Texas Rev坠副SA''°"'"国织到0011 1• Uger..b曲, """ 阐明网曲ctlon o,睛””刷、。回刑。回咐’田。“’比.,回帕mIHS ’制,。,民属ale, 05田12016 07:07~8 MOT Legal Notice f or Harmoniz ed Standard Jointly Developed by ASME and CSA Group Intellectual property rights and ownership As between American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Canadian Standards Association (Operating as ” CSA Group”} (coll旺tively ”ASME and CSA Group”) and the users of this d。cument {whether it be in printed or electronic form), ASME and CSA Group are the 。wners of all w。rks E。ntained herein that are protected by E。pyright, all 甘ade-ma巾(except as otherwise noted to the contrary), and all inventions and trade secrets that may be contained in th is document, whether or not such inventions and trade secrets are protected by patents and applications t。r patents. The unauthorized use, modification, copying, or disclosure of this d。cument may violate laws t hat pr。tect the intellectual property of ASME and CSA Group and may give rise to a right in ASME and CSA Group t。 seek legal redress for such use, modijication, c。pying, or discl osυre. ASME and CSA Group reserve all intellectual property rights in th is d。cument. 。isclaimer and exclusion of liability This d。cument is provided with。ut any representati



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