
ASME A112.18.8-2020 管道排水系统用卫生废物阀.pdf

ASME A112.18.8-2020 管道排水系统用卫生废物阀.pdf

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Sanitary Waste Valves for Plumbing Drainage Systems AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Sanitary Waste Valves for Plumbing Drainage Systems AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ,..l)哥鸟、 )€※S( t与组议:J The American Society of U丘J® Mechanical Engineers Two Pa『K Avenue • New York , NY • 10016 USA Date of Issuance: Oct ober 2 1, 2020 Th is Standard w ill be revised when the Societ y ap proves the issuance of a new edition. ASM E issues w r itten r eplies to inqu iries concerning interpr eta ti ons of techn ical aspects of th is St andard. Interpret at ions are pub lished on the Comm ittee web page and und er /lnterpsDatabase . Periodically certa in actions ofthe ASME A11 2 Committee may be pub lished as Cases. Cases are p ublished on the ASM E we bsite under t he A11 2 Committee Page at http://g。. /A112committee as t hey are issued . Errata t o codes and standards may be post ed on the ASME webs it e under the Committee Pages to provide correctio ns t o incorrect ly published items, o r to cor rect typograp hical o r grammatica l errors in codes and st andards. Such er rata shall be used on the date posted. The A 112 Committee Page can be foun d at http :///A112committee. T her e is an o ption availab le t o automatically receive an e-mail notificati。n when err ata are posted to a particular code 。r standard. Th is o ptio n can be found on the app ropr iate Comm ittee Page afte r selecting “Errata” in the Publicatio n Informati on” section. ASM E is t he regist ered t rademark 。f The Ame rican Society of Mechanical Engineers. τhi s c。de 。r standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the crit eria for Ame rican Nati。nal Standards . The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure t hat individualsfr


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