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Floating Cranes and
Floating Derricks
Safety Standard fo『 Cableways,
Cranes, De『ricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks,
and Slings
Floating Cranes and
Floating Derricks
Safety Standard for Cableways,
Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks,
and Slings
t与去试二J The American Society of
U丘J〔B Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue • New Yo『k, NY • 10016 USA
Date of Iss uance: May 21, 2021
The nextedition ofthis Standard is scheduled for publication in 2025. ThisStandardwill become effective 1year after the Dat e of
ASME issues wr itten r eplies to inqu iries concerning interpr et ati ons of techn ical aspects of th is St andard . Interpret at ions are
pub lished on the ASME webs it e u nder the Comm ittee Pages at / as they are issued.
Er rata to codes and standards may be post ed on t he ASME website u nder the Commit tee Pages t。 provi de corrections t o
incorrectly published items, o r to cor rect typograp hical o r grammatica l errors in codes and standards. Such er rat a shall be used
on the dat e posted.
The Committee Pages can be found at /. There is an o ption availab le to automatically receive an e-mail
notification when errata are post ed to a particular code o r standard. This option can be found on the ap propriate Committee
Page aft er selecting “Er rata” in t he Pu blication l nformat旧n” section.
ASME is t he registered t rademark 。f The Ame rican s。ci ety of Mechanical Engineers.
τhis c。de 。r standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the crit eria for Ame rican Nati。nal Standards. The Standards
Committee that approved the code or sta ndard was balanced to assure t hat individualsfrom competent and concerned interest s have had an
- ASME B30.7-2021 索道,起重机,起重机,提升机,吊钩,千斤顶和吊索的绞车安全标准.pdf
- ASME B30.6-2020索道,起重机,起重机,提升机,吊钩,千斤顶和吊索的安全标准.pdf
- ASME B30.5-2021 Mobile and Locomotive Cranes. 移动式和机车式起重机.pdf
- ASME B30.4-2020索道,起重机,井架,提升机,吊钩,千斤顶和吊索的门座起重机安全标准.pdf
- ASME B30.3-2019 Tower Cranes 塔式起重机规范.pdf
- ASME B30.2-2022 桥式和门式起重机(顶行桥,单梁或多梁,顶行小车提升机).pdf
- ASME B30.1-2020 千斤顶,工业压路机,空气浇注机和液压龙门.pdf
- ASME B29.8-2010 (R2022) Leaf Chains, Clevises, and Sheaves 树叶链条,树叶和树叶.pdf
- ASME B29.1-2011 (R2022) 精密动力传输滚子链、附件和链轮.pdf
- ASME B29.1-2011 (2016) 精密动力传输滚子链、附件和链轮.pdf