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第1页/共59页临床医学七IBD顺序治疗方案第2页/共59页炎症性肠病治疗现状怎样?-开始治疗前缺乏制订治疗 方案(尤其是维持治疗方案)-诱导缓解不完全: 症状控制 不彻底,炎症反复活动, 反 复发作, 产生严重并发症-维持治疗剂量不足-维持治疗时间不够-医患者临床依从性欠佳应对策略如何?-治疗开始前即应制订一个 可接受的个体化方案, 进 行顺序性分步(序贯)治疗-将临床常用药物拟定为相 对固定方案可能有利于规 范化治疗中华医学会消化病分会中华消化杂志2007;夏冰.临床消化病杂志2007;19(1):3 What about the current state of IBD treatment ? - may not receive effective therapy and their disease remains moderately active, leading to uncontrolled inflammation and potentially the development of complications. - optimal treatment outcomes are not often well defined and the duration of treatment is not addressed. As a consequence, patients undergo repeated cycles of corticosteroids (with or without immunosuppressive agents) without success as their disease remains active and progresses towards complications and the need for surgery. What are the optimal strategies to enable steroid free remission in IBD. -scientific literature was reviewed using Medline and Chinese Database of Biology and Medicine (CBM) with a specific focus on medical therapies for inducing and maintaining remission of CD and UC. Therefore, treatment strategy algorithms are developed for use of suggested therapeutic protocols to enable steroid free remission in IBD.Panaccione R, et al. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 28, 674–688 第3页/共59页目的: 根据循证医学原则,提供治疗方向与方案,促使达到不用激素状态下最大限度缓解IBD活动性及最小限度激素依赖性的最佳治疗效果。方法: -搜集数据库诱导与维持溃疡 性结肠炎(UC)与克罗恩病(CD) 缓解的文献与科学依据-分析并拟定有效与实用的顺 序性治疗方案及其应用说明Aim: To seek evidence and provide direction for clinicians on optimal strategies to enable to maximize steroid free remission and minimize corticosteroid dependence in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Methods: scientific literature was reviewed using Medline with a specific focus on medical therapies for inducing and maintaining remission of CD and UC.Therefore, treatment strategy algorithms are developed for use of suggested therapeutic protocols to enable steroid free remission in IBD.Panaccione R, et al. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 28, 674–688 第4页/共59页结果:


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