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PAGE 1 PAGE 1 教学课题 7B Unit8知识点+语法:不定代词+形容词 7B Unit8 Pets Comic strip Welcome to the unit 1.He can sing and I want to teach him to speak. 【词组】 教某人做某事 教某人某事 例题:Mr Zhang teaches (we) English this term. Simon’s father is teaching the boy,eleven years old, (make) a kite. 2.I like goldfish because I like watching them swim around. because为 ,引导 。 【考点】because不能和 连用 because + because of + 例题:( )Tom was late for school his being sick. A.so B.because C.because of D.if 3.I can feed her carrots and I like her long ears. feed 喂养,养活;过去式: 【词组】 / 喂某物给某人 以...为食 例题:He hurt his arm by accident and (not feed) the cat with fish. 4.It’s very small and soft and I can hold it in my hand. hold 握住; 过去式: 【词组】 开会 hold on hold up 例题:Look, the police (hold) the gun in their hands. Reading 1.My dog is the cleverest animal of all. cleverest最高级,adj.最高级用于 的比较,最高级前面一般加 例题:This apple is the (big) among the four ones. 2.With eyes open wide, he hunts when I hide. (1)with表伴随: (2)wide ,充分地;指 含义 wide ,宽的;睁大的 widely ,广泛地;指 含义 例题:We should speak English (wide). Open the window (wide). It’s a little hot inside the house. (3)hunt 搜寻;打猎 【词组】 去打猎 = = 寻找 3.He does some wonderful tricks. Builds me camps out of sticks. (1)trick cn. 诡计,把戏 【词组】 捉弄某人 build vt. 建造 【词组】 build/make...out of... 由...制成 例题:Plenty of (build) stood in the center of the big city. 4.And he doesn’t li


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