
Unit Understanding Science的实用学习课件.pptxVIP

Unit Understanding Science的实用学习课件.pptx

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Unit Understanding Science的实用学习课件第1页/共80页第2页/共80页The definition of ScienceThe word science comes from the Latin scientia, meaning knowledge.Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena.The term science also refers to the organized body of knowledge people have gained using that system. Less formally, the word science often describes any systematic field of study or the knowledge gained from it.第3页/共80页A scienfic test.Please Read the Color Instead of the Letter !right : colorleft: letter第4页/共80页neuroscienceright brain: emotional talents for arts, musicleft brain: logical talents for language, science第5页/共80页What are other influences of science on modern world?第6页/共80页Stephen William hawking 第7页/共80页Stephen Hawkings biography 1 was born on 8 January 1942 ,in Oxford, England. 2 1959 in University of Oxford 3 In 1962 the University of Oxford to complete Physics degree courses, moved to Cambridge University graduate41963 hawking was diagnosed with motor(运动神经的 )neurone disease.(ALS)第8页/共80页5 In 1973 the first books of space-time published 7 1988 published a brief history of time , was awarded the Wolf Foundation Prize, become relativitys best-selling book. . 8 In 1990, married 25 years wife Jane · Wilder divorce.(离婚)第9页/共80页9 In 1993, the black holes and baby universes and other essayspublished101995-September 16, and his nurse Elaine · Mason married .11 In 2006, Stephen Hawking third visit to China.第10页/共80页My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.我的目标很简单,就是把宇宙整个明白——它为何如此,它为何存在。I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.我注意过,即便是那些声称一切都是命中注定的而且我们无力改变的人,在过马路之前都会左右看。 第11页/共80页Despite the disability, but the idea of whom can not stop, others will not be for you to stop. 尽管身体残障,但思想却不能为之停步,别人不会为你停下来。 People have


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