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川 顺 m 国 严 皿 由在 击 理 …川 The Guidance of Chinese Geographical Indications Northeast China 中国地理标志产吕(东北卷) The Guidance of Chinese Geographical Indications ( Northeast China) 中同地理标志产品东北卷 Editorial Board 编委会: 。i rfCtor· 主任 Ren Hongbin 任鸿斌 rect()r Depuly ll i IIJ主任 Zhang Shcnfcng张馈峰 Chen Jian’ an陈建安 K。 Liangdong扣j 良苦1: Zhang Shaogang张少同1) Yu Jianlong于健龙 Board Members 委员 Feng Yaoxiang l马耀样 Zhang Guofu 张肉在Yu liaiyan 俞满热Yang Huazhong 杨华中 Li Wenguo ,JE文t!il Li llenmi ng 3lE文明lluang Juzheng 贫府正Zhang Xuejing 张雪始 Ma Kcke 马F1到 、 Professional Guidance IJoatd (sorted by the alphabetical ordel of the s川 names 技术指导专家组{按姓氏饼音英文字!ij排序) Gao Fang 耐劳J iao Bining f.t必宁 Luo Haoliang罗泊在; Li Yan中;� Ouyang Xihui欧阳在-解 Sun Baozhong孙实忠 Song Yuhe宋网#I Sun Zhi yong孙志ik Xu Donghui徐东筛 ’ Yang Guang扬光 '.hang Junpi『1g �lfl军平 Zhao Yue赵越 刀、u Zhiwe t朱智伟 Writing G1、oup 编写组人员 lluang I. i?.h i i在黎乏 Li Xue李雪 Zhang Xuej iη目��雪如i Zhu Xiaoxia悦目起霞 Liu Baihui )1]怕越 Liu Shuhui刘淑� Preface 产 Geo .... ....... im 、 》ortanl and cllecti、,c role in sti,丁1ul.Hing the dcvclopmc,、I of 『cgional economy witl 1 卷酋语 characteristics, serving foreign trade and diplomacy and promoting fine traditional cul阳re. Gls also represent an important resource for enterprises in their participation in marke1 compc1i1ion. With unique natural cnviro11mcnt. time-honored history, and the inh


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中学高级教师 从事一线教育教研15年多

