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一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)
1. Chains make learning flexible.A.Right B.Wrong?2. Those who visit London will certainly go to______.A.the Tower of London?B.Harrods?C.Buckingham Palace?D.The Greenwich village?3. One of the advantages of chain schools is that they are famous all over the world.A.True B.Fasle?4. Government buildings often have special paths for those people handicapped.A.Right B.Wrong?5. What service must be paid for?A.Computer classes.?B.Training sessions.?C.Laser printing.?D.Package borrowing.?6. What kind of grain could be found in American diet 500 years ago?7. How many poems did Dickinson write?A.Almost 2, 000. B.Nearly 1, 000. C.800 D.1, 200.?8. What do the study of science and the study of art require?9. What was marked on each box inside the tree in Washington?10. The talk is mainly about the importance of felt images.A.True B.Fasle?11. Chains dont produce their own course book material.A.Right B.Wrong?12. Why are students enthusiastic for positions in student organizations?A.Because they hate the constant pressure and strain of their study.?B.Because they will then be able to stay longer in the university.?C.Because such positions help them hunt better jobs.?D.Because such positions are usually well paid.?13. How many people depend on local rice and food in South Asia currently?A.More than 150 million people.?B.Less than 150 million people.?C.About 100 million people.?D.About 120 million people.?14. Besides the problem of speaking too fast, what else will make listening more difficult?15. How high are the mountains in Norweija?A.Two thousand feet.?B.Twelve thousand feet.?C.Twenty thousand feet.?D.Twenty-two thousand feet.?
二、2.Use of English(10题)
三、3.Reading Comprehension(15题)
26.Why is transition d
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