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毕 业 论 文 题目: 航空服务对中国民航发展影响研究 学院: 函授站: 专业: 班级: 学号: 学生姓名: 导师姓名: 完成日期: 目 录 1 国内民航航空服务质量现状 1 2 国内民航服务问题的成因分析 1 3 提高航空服务质量的建议 1 4 中国民航的发展机遇和挑战 1 5 发展中国民航的发展战略 1 5.1 关注客户 1 5.2 关注员工 1 6 航空服务对于中国航空的发展展望 1 结论 1 致谢 1 参考文献 1 航空服务对中国民航发展影响研究 (指导教师:) 摘要:随着人们的生活水平提高,时间观念的改变,飞机成为了人们越来越主要的交通方式。中国的民航发展迅速,但是航空质量水平没有达到航空运输业发展的水平。航空服务质量水平很大程度上决定了人们选择的方向。所以本文是基于对航空服务质量的详细研究,探讨对中国民航的发展。首先,了解一些近期中国的民航航空服务质量的现状水平,分析其问题的成因。根据问题和成因提出改善的措施,以此来提高航空服务的质量,再根据中国民航的现状提出发展战略。最后以创新性的眼光制定服务质量的三个发展方向。要充分提高自己的核心竞争了,为中国民航的发展增加信心。 关键词:航空服务质量;航空服务质量成因分析;发展展望 Airline Service Quality Impact Study on the Development of Chinese Civil Aviation QinFeng (Supervisor: ZhangTing) Abstract: As peoples living standards improving, the change of the concept of time, the aircraft has become the people the main mode of transportation increaingly. the development of Chinas civil aviation is rapid, but the level of air quality do not reached the level of development of air transportation industry. A large part of the airline service quality level determines the direction of people to choose. So it is based on a detailed study of airline service quality, discussesing on the development of Chinas civil aviation. First of all, know about recent the status of Chinas civil aviation service quality level, analysising the cause of the problem. According to the problems and the causes of improvement make measures to change, in order to improve the quality of air services. Then it proposes the development of strategies based on the status of Chinas civil aviation.Finally, with innovative development direction to develop the service quality. To fully improve their core competition


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