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svgxml_SVG基础知识:XML和版本控制 svg xml One of the most intimidating experiences of learning can be found in simply looking at the SVG code created by a vector illustration application. There’s usually a lot of code there; the output from early versions of Adobe Illustrator will often look something like this: 很多 只需查看⽮量插图应⽤程序创建的SVG代码,就可以发现学习的最令⼈恐惧的经历之⼀。 通常那⾥有 代码。 早期版本的Adobe Illustrator的输出通常如下所⽰: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? !-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 18.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) -- !DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN /Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd svg version=1.1 id=Layer_1 xmlns=/2000/svg xmlns:xlink=/1999/xlink x=0px y=0px viewBox=0 0 500 500 enable-background=new 0 0 500 500 width=500 height=500 xml:space=preserve !-- Actual SVG code here -- /svg The good news is that most of this code is redundant or unnecessary, and can be removed. But before we do so, it’s important to understand just what we’re taking away. 好消息是,这些代码⼤部分都是多余的或不必要的,可以删除。 但是在我们这样做之前,重要的是要了解我们要带⾛的东西。 1. The first line is the XML prolog. SVG is an expression of XML, a “root language” that can communicate almost any information structure via tags. These tags are very much like the elements that you’re probably familiar with from : in graphical the case of SVG, we’re using XML structure to communicate mostly information. 第⼀⾏是XML序⾔ 。 SVG是XML的⼀种表达,XML是⼀种“根语⾔”,可以通过标签传达⼏乎任何信息结构。 这些标记⾮常类似 图形 于您可能从熟悉的元素:就SVG⽽⾔,我们使⽤XML结构来传达⼤多数 信息。 XML has a great deal of freedom: technically, you can create any kind of tags you like. However


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