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MQTT协议paho.mqtt.golangkeepAlive源码浅析 MQTT协议 paho.mqtt.golang keepAlive 源码浅析 MQTT协议 keepAlive 源码浅析 # 阅读本⽂,你将了解: # 1.MQTT 协议KeepAlive机制 # 2.MQTT 协议KeepAlive机制 golang实现原理 # 3.关于KeepAlive 时长设置建议 前⾔ 最近在公司做mqtt协议压测的时候,发现少量mqtt设备在执⾏publish过程中,connect连接被协议层主动断掉了。⽽客户端catch到 的 errors 只有⼀句 var ErrNotConnected = errors.New(Not Connected) ,但已知⽹络通讯没有问题,且研发⼤佬表⽰MQTT broker负载并没有打 满。因此⾃⼰便开始尝试看包的相关源码,从中获取⼀些有⽤的信息,便有了此⽂。 1. MQTT 协议 Keep ALive机制 MQTT Keep Alive MQTT includes a keep alive function that provides a workaround for the issue of half-open connections (or at least makes it possible to assess if the connection is still open). MQTT包括⼀个保持活动功能,该功能为半开连接的问题提供了⼀种解决⽅法(或者⾄少使评估连接是否仍处于打开状态成为可能)。 Keep alive ensures that the connection between the broker and client is still open and that the broker and the client are aware of being connected. When the client establishes a connection to the broker, the client communicates a time interval in seconds to the broker. This interval defines the maximum length of time that the broker and client may not communicate with each other. **保持活动状态可确保broker和客户端之间的连接仍处于打开状态,并确保broker和客户端知道已连接。**当客户端建⽴与broker的连接 时,客户端将以秒为单位的时间间隔传达给broker。此时间间隔定义了broker和客户端可能⽆法相互通信的最⼤时间长度。 The MQTT specification says the following : “The Keep Alive … is the maximum time interval that is permitted to elapse between the point at which the Client finishes transmitting one Control Packet and the point it starts sending the next. It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that the interval between Control Packets being sent does not exceed the Keep Alive value. In the absence of sending any other Control Packets, the Client MUST send a PINGREQ Packet.” As long as messages are exchanged frequently and the keep-alive interval is not exceeded, there is no need to send an extra message to establish whether the connection is still open. 只要频繁交换消息且不超过保持连接间隔,就⽆



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