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基于MATLAB仿真的电力系统故障分析 摘要 电力系统故障分析主要是研究电力系统中由于故障所引起的电磁暂态过程,搞清楚暫 态发生的原因、发展过程及后果.从而为防止电力系统故障、减少故障损失提供必要的理 论知识。简单故障和复合故障是电力系统可能发生的故障类别。简单故障指的是电力系统 正常运行时某一处发生短路或断相故障,而绍合故障则是指两个或两个以上简単故障的组 合.所谓短路,是指电力系统正常运行情况以外的相与相之间或相与地之间的连接?在正 常运行时,除中性点外.相与相或相与地之间是绝缘的.楸相短路故障在电力系统的运行 中占绝大多数。三相短路时三相回路依旧是对称的.故称为对称短路:其他几种冋路均使 三相冋路不对称,故称为不対称短路。产生短路的左耍原因是电气设备我流部分的相间绝 缘或相对地绝缘被破坏.短路时电力系统的正常运行和电气设备白很大的危害.短路引起 电网中电压降低:系统发生短路相当「改变了电网的结构,必然引起系统中功率分布的变 化:不对称接地短路所引起的不平衡电流产生的不平衡磁通,会在邻近的平行的通信线路 内感应出相当大的感应电动势.造成对通信系统的干扰,註至危及设备和人身的安仝。 关谜词:电力系统故障、电磁暂态过程、功率分布,感应也动势 PAGE PAGE # Power System Fault Analysis And Simulation ” , 原创力文档 Abstract 下载高淸无水印 power system fault analysis is mianly to siudy electromagnetic transient process caused by fault in power system.and make clear the cause of the occurrence ,the development process and the consequences of transienuso as to provide the necessary theoretical knowledge of preventing power system fault and reducing the loss of fault.Therc are more faults occurc in the power systemtwh!ch can be divided into simple fault and composite lault.Simplc fault reiws Io lhal a short circuit or a fault phase occurred when the power system is in the normal operation..while the composite laull is the combination of two or more simple laults.Thc so-called short relcrs to 山c connection between phase to phase or phase to earth outside the nonnal operation of power system.During normal operation,phase to phase or phase to earth is insulted except fbr neutral poim.Thc experience of power system shows the single-phase short circuit accouts for the mosuThrcc-phasc circuit is still symmetrical when the three-phase circuit is in the shoruso it is called symmetrical short circuiLwhile several other loops are the asymmetric three-phase circuit9so it is called asymmetric short circuit.The main cause of short circuit is that the insulation between phase to phase or phase to earth of electrical equipment carry ing parts is dcstroycd.Short circuit has greal damage to the normal operation and


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