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我备的课的教案;Introduction of the Author: 比尔·布福德(Bill Buford)是美国《纽约客》(New Yorker)杂志的特约撰稿人,1994至2001年任杂志的小 说编辑。布福德创办了Granta杂志,并任编辑。 Among the Thugs 和 Heat 是其广受好评的两本著 作,前者是对英国足球流氓的真实记录,后者是一部有 关餐饮的书。课文“狮子、老虎和熊”是布福德的一篇游 记,最初于1999年刊登在《纽约客》上,文章入选 《2000年度美国最佳游记》(The Best American Travel Writing 2000).;bolt:;Examples: a) He bolted out of his house. b) Eyes bolted towards the stranger. c) He bolted the door on the inside. d) He bolted down a hurried breakfast. a bolt from (out of) the blue 晴天霹雳,意外的事 bolt upright 笔直 make a bolt (for it) 赶快逃走 ;drizzle: v. to rain in fine drops Examples: It drizzled throughout the night. The insecticide drizzled over the plants. The dew on the branches drizzled our hair.;embolden: v. to give courage or confidence to sb. Examples: He smiled and this emboldened her to ask him for help. Emboldened by drink, he walked over to speak to her.;on the/a rampage: 横冲直撞;暴跳如雷 Examples: The escaped elephant was on the rampage for two days. The rioters went on a rampage and vandalized many shops.;scurry: v. / n. to run with short quick steps Examples: It began to rain and we scurried home. We heard mice scurrying about in the kitchen. Dark clouds were being scurried across a grey sky by the wind. a scurry of footsteps in the passage 急促脚步声 Huge snow scurries.;secluded adj. not visited or seen by many people; away from the company of others Examples: This is the quietest and most secluded area of the city. secluded life /monk /valley ;Background Information;America;New York State;第13页/共106页; 曼哈顿是一个荷兰人(亨利·哈德逊)从印第安土著手里买的。它是当今世界上最繁华的岛之一。曼哈顿是纽约市中心部位的岛。介于哈得孙河和东河之间,为纽约市五个区中最小的曼哈顿区。长20公里,宽4公里,面积57.7平方公里。前寒武纪古老坚硬的片岩出露地表,为高层建筑提供了基础。 纽约是金融、商业中心地。南端的华尔街是许多大银行、大交易所和大垄断组织聚集中心。联合国总部设于东河西岸。百老汇、华尔街、帝国大厦、格林威治村、中央公园、联合国总部、大都会艺术博物馆、大都会歌剧院等名胜都集中在曼哈顿岛。 ;Central Park Location on Manhattan Map ; 中央公园坐落在摩天大楼耸立的曼哈顿正中,南起 59街,北抵110街,东西两侧被著名的第五大道和中


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