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So3E15 355 outshine:L.aut?ain/GRE vt.光亮强过…,使相形见绌,使失色vi.发光 infrastructure:/infr?str?ktJ?/ TOF n.基础结构,基础设施[经]基础设施 What? Hey,dont start. I tried to negotiate with you. negotiate:/nigoujieit/ GRE CET6TEM4TEMSTOF vi.商议,谈判,交涉vt.谈妥,转让,处理 Making a list of demands and not giving anything in return is not negotiating. I offered you an entire crop of beans. crop:/krop/ CET4 n.农作物,产量,平头vt.收割,修剪,种植vi.收获[计]裁剪 I dont *need*beans.I need lumber. Oh,right- to build defensive fortifications for your army, defensive:/difensiv/ a.防卫的,防备用的,自卫的n.守势,防卫姿势,防卫物 fortification:/.fotifkei?en/ n.筑城,防御工事,要塞 which he doubled in size, by the way. Surprise,surprise. I only did that after you started cheating. cheat: Hjit/ CET4 TEM4 n.欺骗,作弊,骗子v.欺骗,逃脱,骗取 I did *not*cheat. Im not the only one increasing my army, by the way. Geldar? Geldar? The name of Rodneys country. He named it after a girl he stalked in college. I did *not* stalk her. We dated twice. Teresa Geldar Teresa Geldar-a very cute blonde. blonde:/blond/a.(头发)亚麻色的,淡色的,白肤金发碧眼的,白里透红的,白皙的,淡黄色的n.肤色白哲的金发女人 mythological: 1.miθelod?ikel/ a.神话的,神话学的,虚构的 The Kingdom of Geldar. What did you call *your* country? Well, I just kept the name it already had. Well, there are the satellites. satellite:/s?tlait/ CET4 TOF n.人造卫星[因]伴行静脉,陪静脉,陪病部,随体,卫星 Dozens of them. Positioned directly above the continent. continent:/kontinent GRE CET4 TOF n.大陆,洲a.自制的 A perfect grid-ten by ten. Should have a visual on one of them. Definitely looks Ancient. Huh. And active. Its transmitting a tremendous amount of data. So3E15 Alright -lets check it out. This is amazing! If you say so. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! *Thats something you see in a medieval village! medieval:/.mediiw/ GRE CET6 TOF a.中古的,中世纪的 Yes,well, the Renaissance obviously came early to these folks. folk: ff?uk/ CET4 TEM4 n.人们,家人,亲属,民族a.民间的 A couple of hundred years early? Um,Rodney? Say something. Like wha


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