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C4. How much do we have? A bunch. Why? Well, its desperate.… Well, so are we. We need to split into groups. I was gonna suggest that anyway. Why? What are you thinking? We far outnumber them.If we conduct a search .. The damage was severe. We had to dismantle our ship to provide the raw materials. Once repaired Atlantis will be all the ship we need. Well, its about time! Oh, thank God! Alright, getem out of here. Ill stand guard. Hey! Thanks for the rescue! Oh,hey! No problem. No! *You* should be saying,Thanks for the rescue! Oh! Uh,right. Thanks. Should have you outta there in no time. This wont take long at all. Oh,my. Theyve changed the codes. But you can crack it, right? You need to get us out of here. Yeah, of course I can. Just give me about one .. two seconds. So I guess that frozen Replicator plan didnt pan out? Yeah, not so much. Hows that Plan B working for ya? Good? Actually, its more like Plan C. C as in C4,if you catch my drift. No. Lets just say What?! Why are we going back to that? Yeah, its the only way. Can you *do* that? before the Daedalus arrives the C4 detonates, the Daedalus beams a warhead into the city and we all get vapourised Sounds more like a Plan F, doesnt it? As in,We are totally... If we can fight our way back to the Bay then well be able tofly the Jumper to a safe distance. That is, if we can get the underwater Bay door open. You cant even open *this* door! Hey, Im workinin it! Yes I*see* that. We got company. Sorry, sir, were gonna have to come back for you. Whatd you tellem? Uh, uh,I mean, they guessed most of it. What, and you filled in the rest?! I thought I would have time to get them out of here! just forget what I said. Sheppard, get out of here while you still can. Thats an order. Sorry it has to be this way. Yeah,I get it. Go. So . were back to being vapourised. What is it, Chief? Were receiving a subspace data burst via midway in the alpha Site. Daedalu


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