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西方婚礼英语介绍第1页/共27页 The meaning of marriageThrough the best and the worst, Through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. ——Groom promise in wedding执子之手,与子偕老。 ——《诗经》 2第2页/共27页 wedding customs in the west EngagementMain toneLocationDressCeremonyBanquetBacchanal3第3页/共27页 Part 1. Engagement 4第4页/共27页 In the west, the proposal has a ritual(仪式的) quality.The man, you just needan engagement ring, and flowers or gifts are not necessary ,and then go down on one knee,a question “Will you marry me?”Yes, I do.5第5页/共27页 Part 2.Main tone6第6页/共27页 The wedding of west is a romantic type, and white usually is the familiar tone(基调), which is standing for allegiance(忠诚) and chastity(纯洁).7第7页/共27页 Part 3.Wedding Location 8第8页/共27页 A white wedding will typically take place in a church, the most beautiful church.9第9页/共27页 But sometimes, it can also be held at the family’s home, a private club or somewhere special like a beautiful beach, a botanical(绿草茵茵的) garden, etc.10第10页/共27页 Part 4.Wedding Dress 11第11页/共27页 West The bride‘s wedding veil(面纱) is generally white.the groom is black dress, so that the whole wedding was the solemn(庄严的,隆重的)seriousness.12第12页/共27页 THE BRIDE Something Old,Something New,Something Borrowed,Something Blue Something old must be something that has belonged to a happily married woman to ensure the transfer of happiness. Something new is normally the gown or shoes. Something borrowed should be gold to ensure future wealth and fortune. Something blue, symbolizes modesty, fidelity, and love. 第13页/共27页 Part 5.Wedding ceremony 14第14页/共27页 As the wedding march rhythm, the bride pull her fathers hands go to the groom.15第15页/共27页 All eyes turn to her as she slowly moves forward to take her place beside the bridegroom in front of the priest.第16页/共27页 The priest(神父) will ask the bride and groom on the other side to make a lifetime commitment(终生承诺).17Through the best and the worst,


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