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高中英语全程复习方略配套Module外研必修;;;;Ⅲ. 句式填空 1. to have done不定式的完成式 He claims to have seen (声称看见) a round black creature moving quickly through the water. 2. there be句型 There have been (一直有) reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century, although no one has seen one close up. ;3. be unlikely to do不可能做某事 They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures (不可能养活体形如此巨大的动物). 4. due to在句中作表语 Some experts believe it is due to the animals (由于动物)the myths grew out of. ;Ⅳ. 教材设题 1. It often gets angry and will ______ anyone who goes ______ to it. A. attack; closely B. adapt; close C. attack; close D. adapt; closely 【解析】选C。句意:它经常发怒, 总是攻击走近它的人。attack攻击; adapt适应; close靠近的(地); closely仔细地, 密切地。由句意可知C正确。;2. ______ third report came from Li Xiaohe, who was visiting ______ lake with his family. A. A; the B. The; the C. The; a D. A; / 【解析】选A。考查冠词。第一个空填不定冠词, 是因为此处表示“另一个报告”, 相当于another report。第二个空填the, 是特指上文提到的湖。;3. It is 2, 189 metres high and ______ an area of about ten square kilometres. A. discovers B. covers C. converts D. controls 【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。discover发现; cover占地; convert转化; control控制。句意:它海拔2 189米, 占地约10平方公里。;4. If you can ______ to something, you can change in order to make the situation better. Which of the following is WRONG? A. adjust B. accommodate C. attach D. adapt 【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。adjust/accommodate/adapt to都表示“适应”, attach. . . to把……捆、系到。;5. The emperor’s robes have a ______ of a gold dragon with five claws. A. sign B. signal C. mark D. symbol 【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。sign符号, 迹象, 牌子; signal信号; mark记号; symbol象征, 符号。句意:统治者的龙袍上有五个爪子的金龙的象征。;第12页/共153页;第13页/共153页;第14页/共153页;第15页/共153页;第16页/共153页;第17页/共153页;第18页/共153页;第19页/共153页;第20页/共153页;第21页/共153页;第22页/共153页;1. The good thing about children is that they ______ very easily to new environments.


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