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句型 Is this your uncle? Is this your uncle? Yes, it is. Yes, it is. 点此播放教学视频 第32页/共74页 第33页/共74页 uncle mother aunt baby brother brother grandpa I father grandma sisiter Guess 第34页/共74页 Let’s spell me/he hid/had use/us man/fan make/Mike case/cat rice/face hot/nose man/mum 第35页/共74页 Listen and chant We like cat! It’s cute. It’s cute. He’s got a cake and a cup of milk. A rose on the cake! It’s red. It’s red. Cut the cake! Give me the cake. He likes the cake. We like it, too. 点此播放教学视频 第36页/共74页 Thank you! 第37页/共74页 * pep小学英语四年级上册unit 第1页/共74页 family tree 第一课时 第2页/共74页 Lets chant Lets chant 第3页/共74页 Hi! My name’s Tim! Welcome to my family! 第4页/共74页 grandpa grandma uncle mother father aunt me brother sister 第5页/共74页 father mother uncle aunt sister brother me cousin David Sally 第6页/共74页 We Are Family 爸爸father,妈妈mother, 叔叔uncle,阿姨aunt, 爷爷grandpa,奶奶grandma, We are family,we are family! 无法 获取 该音 频文 件。 第7页/共74页 Introduce your family family 第8页/共74页 He is my This is my brother. mother. She is my sister. This is my father. 第9页/共74页 She aunt 第10页/共74页 He uncle 第11页/共74页 She cousin 第12页/共74页 She sister 第13页/共74页 He brother 第14页/共74页 family tree 第二课时 第15页/共74页 My family has ___sixmembers (成员)。 第16页/共74页 My family has ____five members 第17页/共74页 My family has three____ members 第18页/共74页 My family has five____ members 第19页/共74页 回答以下问题: 回答以下问题: 回答以下问题: How many people are there in Chen Jie’s family? There are three. How many members are there in Amy’s family? There are seven. Who are they? 第20页/共74页 第21页/共74页 Gee Gee 第22页/共74页 第23页/共74页 拓展 用自己家的照片仿照课文编类似的对话。 拓展 运用句型: - How many people 运用are句型:there in your family? - Who are they? - My family has… members. 第24页/共74页 How many /girls/apples/pens/books are there? Let’s count six nine Four eight 第25页/共74页 (C )1.如果你想问对方家里有多少人,你可以 问: A. Who are they ? B. Is this your mom ? C .How many people are there in your family? (A )2.你介绍你家有五个成员,你应说: A. My family has five members . B. Welcome to my family. C .This is your family. 第26页/共74页 二、听录音,选择你听到的句子


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