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Urinary Tract Infections UTIUTI - common affliction for which patients seek medical attention UTI can occur from infancy through old age more common in females than males ~20% of all females will experience a UTI during their lifetime UTI DefinitionsThe term “UTI” represents a wide range of clinical syndromes Bacteriuria: the presence of bacteria in urine - does not necessarily imply infection Asymptomatic bacteriuria: presence of bacteria in the urinary tract in the absence of symptoms - clinical significance controversial outside certain patient populations - pregnant women - patients undergoing invasive procedures of the urinary tract UTI DefinitionsCystitis: UTI presumed to be confined to the bladder - painful/burning urination - urgency or frequency - absence of symptoms or physical signs suggesting inflammation at other sites within the urinary tract Note: clinical criteria are notoriously inaccurate in identifying the actual anatomic site of infection UTI DefinitionsPyelonephritis: clinical diagnosis which implies a more invasive infection - inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis is assumed to be present when patients have pain or tenderness involving the flank, together with other clinical or laboratory evidence of UTI -fever, nausea, chills, malaise, headache, etc UTI DefinitionsProstatitis: inflammation / infection of the prostate gland - may present as acute or chronic Intrarenal abscess / perinephric abscess: collection of pus in the kidney or in the soft tissue surrounding the kidney UTI DefinitionsComplicated infections - underlying abnormality that predisposes patient to UTI or makes UTI more difficult to treat effectivelyRecurrent Infections Relapse - recurrence of infection by same organism after discontinuation of treatment Reinfection - recurrence of infection by a different organism after discontinu


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