
GB50652-2011 城市轨道交通地下工程建设风险管理规范.docx

GB50652-2011 城市轨道交通地下工程建设风险管理规范.docx

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次細 次 細 .................................. 吾 .................................. 基 本 规 定 ........................... 1 风险管理 .............. 2 风险界定 .............. 3 风险辨识 .............. 4 风险分析方法 ......... 5 风险控制 .............. 工 程 建 设 风 险 等 级 标 准 . 1 一般规定 .............. 2 风险发生可能性与损失等级 3 风险等级标准 ........ 规划阶段风险管理............. 1 一 般 规 定 ............ 2 规划方案风险评估 ...... 3 重大风险因素分析 ...... 4 风险评估报告编制 ...... 可行性研究风险管理.......... 1 一 般 规 定 ............ 2 现场风险调查 .......... 3 风 险 评 估 ............. 4 风险评估报告编制 ...... 勘察与设计风险管理.......... 1 一 般 规 定 ............. 2 工程勘察风险管理 ContentsGeneral Contents General Provisions .................................. Terms ................................................... . Basic Requirements ............................. . 3.1 Risk Management ........................................... 3.2 Risk Delineation .......................................... 3. 3 Risk Identification............................ ............. 3. 4 Methods of Risk Analysis ............................ 3. 5 Risk Control................................................... The Risk Classification and Criteria ?… 4. 1 General Requirements ................................ 4. 2 Classification of Frequency and Consequence 4. 3 Criteria of risk Classification ...................... Risk Management in Project Plan Stages 5. 1 General Requirements ................................... 5. 2 Risk Assessment on Project Pla n ................. 5. 3 Serious Risk Factors Analysis ..................... 5. 4 Risk Assessment Report ............................... Risk Management in Project Feasibility Study Stages ......................................... . 6. 1 General Requirements ................................... 6. 2 Risk Survey in Site ........................................ 6. 3 Risk Assessment ........................................ 6. 4 Risk Assessment Report ........................................ Risk Management in Project


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