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Contents Understanding the disrupted c。nsumer 。f2023 Recessi。n Track: 2 F。”。w the m。ney ’ 3 What s Next 2 、 H。peful The state 。f Unsure about the future and bracing for ext re 门1 es, consumers are in a constant state of skepticism. Volatility in Guarded c。nsun、ers1s everything from prices to weather events, has signaled a year of safeguarding, unsettled action-planning and hopeful strategizing around socio-economic hurdles. Fina ncia I ly-f1。cused 4 of global consumers say they are in a worse financial p。siti。n this year 》 vs. 37% in Mid 2022 “ In line with figures of mid-year 2023, consumers feel financially pressured compared to a year ago, but resilience is evident. Despite inflationary highs and global wage lows, there is a strong majority who are prioritizing and spending on categories they feel will propel them ahead in the long-term. A prevailing sentiment for survival signals cautious, financially-focused decisions into 2


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