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口译模拟考试题(1) Part 1 A: 现在越来越多的人空闲时去练瑜伽。你能告诉我瑜伽到底是什么吗? B:Yoga, developed by the ancient sages of India, is a system of personal development encompassing body, mind, and spirit that dates back more than 5,000 years. A: “瑜伽”从印度演化而来,那这个词是不是有特殊的含义呢? B:Yes. It is a Sanskrit word for “union”, meaning an experience of oneness or union with your inner being (self). A: 练瑜伽有什么好处呢? B:Yoga can be practiced by anyone, at any age. It develops flexibility and muscular endurance and, like many of the martial arts, incorporates techniques to relieve stress and bring the mind and body into harmony. It is aimed at the ultimate physical health and happiness, together with mental peace and tranquility. A: 听说瑜伽有不同的形式。你能否说说它们有什么区别呢? B:Yes. There are various types of Yoga. In the Western world Yoga is recognized mainly as Hatha Yoga which is a combination of physical exercises, breathing techniques and meditation. Hatha Yoga is said to provide a balanced and wholesome approach to achieving perfect physical and mental health, happiness and tranquility. Eastern yogis believe that physical exercises are simply a stepping stone to higher paths and that working only on the body is a waste of time as the body is mortal whereas the soul is immortal. A: 可以去哪里练习瑜伽呢? B:Many people learn Yoga by attending classes; however, videos and books teaching Yoga are also popular. As with all exercises, technique is very important and for this reason it is advisable for beginners to seek out a reputable teacher. A: 非常感谢你的建议 B:You are welcome. Part 1 参考译文 A: Nowadays, more and more people go and practice yoga in their free time. Can you tell me what indeed yoga is? B: 瑜伽是由印度古代的圣人开创的,是提升一个人各个方面的综合系统,包括身 体、头脑、精神,有5000多年的历史了 A: Since the word yoga is from India, is there any special meaning in it? B:是的。瑜伽这个词是梵语,意思是统一,指一体化的体验或与自己的内心合而为 一 A: What benefits can yoga bring us? B:


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