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2021 高考英语重点单词词性转换和语境活用 17 解析版 基础盘点·自测自评 33 1.close adj.亲密的;亲近的 adv.紧挨着→closely adv.接近地;紧密地;严密地;亲近地 拓 2.finance n.财政→financial adj.财政上的,金融的→financially adv.财政上地3.mood n.心情;心境;情绪→moody adj.喜怒无常的 展 4.regret v.n.后悔;悔恨→regretful adj.懊悔的;遗憾的→regretfully adv.懊悔地;惋惜地; 5.consider vt.考虑→considering prep.鉴于;考虑到→considerate adj.体贴的;考虑周到的 →consideration n.考虑 词 forgive v.原谅;宽恕→forgiveness n.原谅 predict v.预言;预测→prediction n.预言;预测 汇 8.unite v.重聚(使人或事物)合为一体;联合→ united adj.(为共同目标)团结的;联合的;和睦的;(政治上)统一的→reunite v.重聚 重 1.At the party, they sat very close and had a close talk, but I didn’t know why they spoke to each other so closely.(close) 语 2.Her husband is a moody man and his mood is always changeable. (mood) 点 3.The teacher is considering making another plan. She is very considerate and will take money into 境 consideration, too. (consider) The scientists in America predict that the previous predictions that the Greek scholars made won’t turn into reality. (predict) 活词 活 You can choose to forgive someone who has hurt you even if they do not deserve or ask for forgiveness.(forgive) 用 6.Tom regretted playing computer games. Therefore, after entering high school, he felt regretful for the 汇 time he had wasted playing computer games and studied hard to make up for it. (regret) 高考英语后缀-ish 结尾形容词全扫描 深 book-bookish 书本上的;书呆子气的 child-childish 孩子气的 谙 cold-coldish 微冷的 构 fool-foolish 愚蠢的;可笑的 girlish 少女的;少女似的 词 self-selfish 自私的 法 Sweden- Swedish 瑞典的;瑞典人的fat-fattish 稍胖的;略肥的 fiend-fiendish 恶魔似的;残忍的;极坏的Turkey-Turkish 土耳其语的;土耳其的boy-boyish 孩子气的;像男孩的Danmark-Danish 丹麦的;丹麦人的Poland-Polish 波兰的 woman-womanish 女子气的;柔弱的man-mannish 成人似的;像男子的devil-devilish 邪恶的;魔鬼似的 对接高考·重点单词词性转换高效演练 33 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.It is with great regret that I tell you I can’t go to the book store with you at the appointed (appoint) time. 2.People fled aimlessly (aimless) in terror as the tsunami struck the city without any precaution. It’s ashamed (shame) of him to have got so much help from others but give nothing to society in return. The


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