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Guess the boy/girl Who is Jane? The girl in a purple T-shirt is Jane. What does he look like? She has red hair. 失物招领箱 Lost and found box Whose are those things? —Is this your eraser? Is this eraser yours? —No, it’s her/his eraser. Yes, it’s mine. -- Whose bag is this? -- It’s Kangkang’s. This is his bag. The bag is his. -- Whose watch is this? -- It’s Maria’s. This is her watch. The watch is hers. -- Are these gloves Tony’s? -- No, they are Michael’s. These are ____ gloves. The gloves are ____. -- Are those Jane’s pencils? -- Yes, they are. These are ____ pencils. The pencils are ____. his his her hers Read the sentences and find something useful. This is his bag. The bag is his. These are her pencils. The pencils are hers. It’s my book. The book is mine. They are your books. The books are yours. 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 What’s the difference? 我的······ mine = my + n. 你的······ yours = your + n. 他的······ his = his + n. 她的······ hers = her + n. 它的······ its = its + n. 我们的······ ours = our + n. 你们的······ yours = your + n. 他们的······ theirs = their + n. 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 It’s his. zxxk Its his bike. Whose bike is this? bike Its mine. Its my cat. Whose cat is that? cat It’s ours. Zx、xk Its our school. Whose school is it? They are theirs. They are their bananas. Whose bananas are these? banana They are Mr. Browns. They are Mr. Browns books. Whose books are those? A:Whose … is this/that? B: It’s… A:Whose …s are these/those? B: They’re… Whose bike is this? It’s his bike. Its ____. his Fill with hers, ours, his, yours, theirs. hers ours theirs yours 用自己的文具做道具, 用以下句型两人一组编对话。 A: Whose bag is it? B: It’s mine. A: Is this your pen? B: Yes, it’s my pen./it’s mine. No, it’s not my pen./ it’s not mine. Work in pairs. Ask and answer. 注意正确运用物主代词 Listen, look and say. Whose cap is it? Its Sallys./ It’s Sally’s cap. Maria: Hi, Jane! Is this ______ cap? Jane: No,its not ________. Maria: ______ cap is it, then? Jane:Its Sallys. Maria:Hi! Sally! Is this cap


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