Unit6 lesson31 教案-2021-2022学年冀教版九年级 全册英语.docx

Unit6 lesson31 教案-2021-2022学年冀教版九年级 全册英语.docx

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Unit6 lesson31 教案-2021-2022学年冀教版九年级 全册英语 Unit 6 Lesson 31 写作教案 一、教学目标: 1. 学习和掌握本课时的词汇和短语,如:cost, delay, leave… behind, delivery, apologize, for a while 等。 2. 了解和掌握完形填空的技巧。 3. 能够正确运用所学的词汇和短语进行口头表达和书面表达。 二、教学重点与难点: 1. 重点:教授和掌握本课时的词汇和短语,能够正确运用到语境中。 2. 难点:通过阅读理解,培养学生的阅读理解能力和语言表达能力。 三、教学准备: 教师:教学课件、多媒体设备; 学生:课本、笔记本、单词卡片。 四、教学过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Review the vocabulary. 3. Show the pictures of different means of transportation, talk about their advantages and disadvantages. Step 2: Presentation 1. Present the new words and phrases: cost, delay, leave… behind, delivery, apologize, for a while. Explain the meaning, pronunciation and usage of each word/phrase. Step 3: Reading 1. Ask students to read the passage on Page 54 silently and answer the questions: (1) What happened to the Smiths luggage? (2) What did they want to do? (3) How did the Smiths feel in the end? 2. Check the answers. Step 4: Vocabulary practice 1. Ask students to do Exercise 2 on Page 55, fill in the blanks with the given words. 2. Check the answers. Step 5: Grammar focus 1. Explain to students how to use used to to talk about past habits and states. 2. Ask students to do Exercise 3 on Page 55, complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 3. Check the answers. Step 6: Discussion 1. Divide the students into groups of four. 2. Ask each group to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transportation. 3. Let one or two groups to share their ideas and opinions with the whole class. Step 7: Writing 1. Ask students to write a short paragraph to describe a trip they took before. Tell them to use the words and phrases they have learned in this unit. 2. Let some students share their writing with the whole class. Step 8: Consolidation and extension 1. Summarize the key points of this lesson. 2. Preview Unit 7. 五、板书设计: Unit 6 Lesson 31 Words: cost, delay, leave… behind, delivery, apologize, for a while. 六、教学反思:


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