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This research aims to explore the capital operation mode of technology-based global companies. Through case studies of multiple technology-based global companies, it is found that the capital operation mode of technology-based global companies can be divided into two types. One is to expand by relying on its own business profits and financing support, such as Apple, Samsung, etc.; the other is to attract investors based on high growth potential and investment value, such as Amazon, Google, etc.
Through comparing the differences and advantages and disadvantages of these two modes, we believe that both modes have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the companys development stage and market environment. For start-up or high-growth companies, relying on investors funding support can achieve rapid expansion and market occupation; for mature companies, relying on their own business profits and financing support may be a better choice to achieve scale expansion and business optimization. In addition, technology-based global companies need to pay attention to balancing capital and innovation, maintaining a balance between innovation motivation and financial stability to ensure long-term development.
Keywords: technology-based global companies, capital operation, financing support, investors, development stage.
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