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* ------part2 A night in the mountains Journey down the Mekong pictures about Tibet and Mekong introduction of Tibet reading language points C ontent introduction of Mekong about Tibet and Mekong Pictures Tibet Mekong of Tibet introduction Geography Tibet lies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the southwest border of China. The average height of the whole region is more than 4,000 meters above sea level, for which Tibet is known as “Roof of the World”. Featured Plants Animal 西藏有丰富的动植物品种,其中冬虫夏草、青稞、牦牛、藏獒等生活中较为常见。 Animals: 长尾叶猴、熊猴、喜马拉雅塔尔羊、金钱豹、野驴、黑颈鹤等。 Plants: 长蕊木兰、天麻、藏红花、长叶松等。 Tibetan Medicine: 冬虫夏草、藏红花、红景天、天麻等。 Dress and Adornment 藏族服饰的最基本特征是肥腰、长袖、大襟、右衽、长裙、长靴、编发、金银珠玉饰品等。由于长期的封闭生存,总的来说,藏族服饰发展的纵向性差异不大,其基调变化亦小。藏族服饰反映了藏族人所处的生态环境和在此基础上形成的生产、生活方式。 introduction of Mekong 湄公河(Mekong River),干流全长4180公里,是亚洲最重要的跨国水系,世界第十长河流,亚洲第七长河流; 主源为扎曲,发源于中国青海省玉树藏族自治州杂多县。流经中国云南省、老挝、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨和越南,于越南胡志明市流入南海。流域除中国和缅甸外,均为湄公河委员会成员国。 湄公河上游在中国境内,称为澜沧江,在柬埔寨语作Mekong(湄公,“母亲”的意思),越语作S?ng Mê K?ng(湄公河) / C?u Long Giang(九龙江),下游三角洲在越南境内,因由越南流出南海有9个出海口,故越南称之为九龙江。 reading ----- pre-reading Have you ever been to some places where are very cold? Do you know something about Tibetan mountains? Can you tell me something about Tibetan mountain? 诗的篇幅短小,多数只有两至五节 一般没有题目 经常破格,常押所谓“半韵”(half rhyme) 多用破折号,时长时短,有时向上翘,有时向下弯 有评论家指这些是音乐记号 Dickinson的诗富于睿智,新奇的比喻随手抛掷, 诗歌主题:生活,大自然,爱,死亡与永恒 Time line Before the late afternoon In the late afternoon In the early evening After supper At midnight 12 3 6 9 Reading – Fast reading Questions Who would take part in this cycling travel later? Did they enjoy themselves on their way? How did the weather change to be when they were going down the hills? Reading--Second reading Listen to the tape and read the passage again. After reading, four students in one group will finish a form by a group discussion. see hear do feel see 1.children dressed in long wool coat. 2.the lake shone like glass 3.yaks and sheep 4.colourful butterflies



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