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- 约1.6万字
- 约 12页
- 2023-08-27 发布于四川
- 被代替
- 已被新标准代替,建议下载标准 GB/T 6479-2013
- | 2000-10-25 颁布
- | 2001-09-01 实施
- 1、本标准文档 共12页,仅提供部分内容试读。
- 2、本网站所提供的标准文本仅供个人学习、研究之用,未经授权,严禁复制、发行、汇编、翻译或网络传播等,侵权必究。
- 3、本网站所提供的标准均为PDF格式电子版文本(可阅读打印),因数字商品的特殊性,一经售出,不提供退换货服务。
- 4、标准文档要求电子版与印刷版保持一致,所以下载的文档中可能包含空白页,非文档质量问题
本英文版为内部资料,仅供参考, 以中文 版为准。
The Chinese version of standards has precedence to their English translations which are only for internal reference.
National Standard of the People’s Republic of China
GB 6479-2000
neq ISO 9329-2: 1997
Supersedes GB 6479-1986
Seamless steel tubes for high-pressure
For chemical fertilizer equipments
Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on 2000–10- 25 Implemented from 2001 – 09 – 01
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GB 6479 – 2000
This Standard is not equivalent to adopt ISO 9329 – 2:1997 Seamless Steel Tubes for Pressure Vessels ---- Delivery Specifications ---- Part 2: Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel of Specified High Temperature Performance.
The criteria of allowable deviation for size, degree of bend, press-flat deformation coefficient for steel tubes in this Standard are more strict than international criteria while the criteria of
physical performance is equivalent to international ones.
This Standard, compared with original edition, has made revision to following provisions:
1. The criteria of allowable deviation for size are revised. Original Table 1 is deleted. The specification for the size is changed to refer to Table 1 of GB/T 17395 – 1998.
2. The brand number of 12SiMoVNb is added. Phosphorous and sulfur content in different brand numbers of steel is revised.
3. Supplementation is made to the delivery status of steel tubes.
4. The provision of using leaking magnetic testing to replace hydraulic test is added while the provision of using ultrasonic testing to replace hydraulic test is deleted.
5. The stipulations of making press-flat test to steel tubes with OD 400mm is deleted.
6. The requirements for low-fold inspection for steel tubes rolled of steel ingot is added as well as the requirements for inspection of non-metal inclusion in steel tubes rolled of continuous cast blank and steel ingot.
7. Definite stipulations are made for the class of ultrasonic testing.
From the date of implementatio
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