XB3Unit 2 Words and expressions 1课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册.pptx

XB3Unit 2 Words and expressions 1课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册.pptx

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B6U2 Healthy LifestyleWords and ExpressionsⅠThe greatest wealth is health. --Virgil A lot of volunteers organized together to protect those ________(abuse) pets. abused REPORTabuse un./vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂abused adj. (尤指药物)滥用的;受虐的 1.酗酒/滥用药物alcohol/drug abuse 2.滥用职权abuse one’ s power abuse un./vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂abused adj. (尤指药物)滥用的;受虐的 physician cn.(尤指)内科医生;physicist cn.物理学家physics un.物理学;物理特性,物理现象physical adj.身体的;客观存在/物质的;物理的physically adv.身体上;按自然规律,实际上mental adj.精神的; 1.定期锻炼可以增强我们的身心健康。Regular exercise can strengthen both our physical and mental health. When he was young, he was ________(deminate) by his parents all the time, which greatly influenced the formation of his character.dominated dominate v.支配;控制;占有优势①be dominated by  由……主宰dominant adj.支配/统治的;占优势的;显性的 domination n.控制,统治control/commandv. n.1.The little boy dominated the match at first and won first prize eventually and expectedly.2.The _________(dominate) feature of the room was the large fireplace. 3.The book is expected ___________(dominate) the best-seller lists.4.The firm soon achieved complete _________(dominate) in the marketplace.5.被父亲主宰着,他只能按照父亲所说的那样做。(分词作状语) Dominated by his father, he has to do as his father says.dominantto dominatedomination The product was developed in response ____ customer demand. tothe special bed net response cn.回复;回应①in response to 回答/复respond vi.回答;作出反应②respond to A (with B) (用B)对A作出回答/应 =make/give a response  1.He respond ______ me ______ a broad smile. I felt relieved and there was a warm current flowing into my heart.2.应您的要求,我写信向您简要介绍一下京剧。I am writing to have a brief introduction of Beijing Opera in response to your request.I am writing to have a brief introduction of Beijing Opera to give a response to/respond to your request.towith We offer a large r______ for the arrest of th


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