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续写中的描写(二) 人物形象的塑造? ;续写中人物形象的塑造;三、通过外貌描写塑造人物形象;2. 描写少年儿童;4. 描写男性;(二)神态描写;2. 愤怒 Trunchbull was in such a rage that her face had taken on a boiled color and little flecks of froth were gathering at the corner of her mouth. Trunchbull气得满脸通红,嘴角都是白沫。 Her great horsey face had turned the color of molten lava and her eyes were glittering with fury. 她那张大马脸正在变成岩浆的颜色,眼睛里闪着怒火。 His teeth were chattering, and with unstoppable rage in his eyes, he was like an angry lion. 他的牙齿咬得“格格”作响,眼里闪着一股无法遏制的怒火,好似一头被激怒的狮子。;3. 悲哀 Marias soft brown eyes held a haunting sadness and her face was gaunt and haggard. 玛丽亚柔软的棕色眼睛里萦绕着难过的悲伤,脸色疲惫而憔悴。 His chin was twitching and he was staring and winking and his leathery old cheeks were wet. 他的下巴抽搐着,眼睛瞪着眨着,皮革样的老脸颊已经被泪水润湿了。;4. 恐惧;四、通过心理描写塑造人物形象;Upon hearing the bad news, she felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldnt help crying bitterly. He felt the whole weight of the world upon his shoulders. Her rage swept through her like a tidal wave, surrounding her like a foul stench. So there I was, high up on the chair, publicly displayed as an ugly example of evil. Feelings of shame and anger boiled up inside me, but just as I felt I could not bear it any longer, Helen Burns walked past me and lifted her eyes to mine. Her look calmed me. What a smile she had! It was an intelligent, brave smile, lighting up her thin face and her tired gray eyes. 于是,我就这样高高地站在椅子上,作为邪恶的丑恶典型示众。我心中充满羞愧和愤怒,我正觉得再也无法忍受时,海伦·伯恩斯从我面前走过,抬起头来看着我。她的目光让我平静下来。她笑得多好!那是智慧、勇敢的微笑,映亮了她瘦削的脸颊和疲惫的灰色眼睛。;Every nerve in his body warned him not to go any further. Picturig the merry scene of feeding the animals, countless tears lay dormant in her eyes and she now could do nothing but feel the regret burning her heart. But most of the time I studied the book and stared, fascinated, at the pictures. Lost in the world of imagination, I forgot my sad, lonely existence for a while, and was happy, I was only afraid that my secret hiding-place might be discovered. When Mariam though



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