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(完整版)螺旋输送机的设计解析 (完整版)螺旋输送机的设计解析 (完整版)螺旋输送机的设计解析 毕业论文(设计) 螺旋输送机的设计 院 系 : 专 业: 年级(班级): 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 完成日期: PAGE PAGE IV 摘 要 螺旋输送机是利用电动机带动螺旋轴转动,使螺旋推移物料从而实现输送目的的机械,它能水平、倾斜或垂直输送,适合短距离输送,具有结构结构简单、体积紧凑、占地面积小、易于密闭、操作和管理方便等优点. 本次任务是设计一台水平输送小麦、水稻等种类粮食螺旋输送机,输送量为30t/h,输送距离为8米,室内外均能适应。重点研究在与驱动装置的合理选择,驱动装置的合理给螺旋输送机的效率、稳定、安全性的提高都有比较大的作用.尽可能发挥其本有的运输特点,尽可能的减小物料输送的阻力,尽可能不要让物料与螺旋叶片黏结而使输送机失去其输送的能力。 本设计阐明了螺旋输送机的工作原理。根据输送量和传输距离确定的螺杆直径,求出所需要的最低螺旋功率,从而根据螺旋功率选择电机、减速器、联轴器。 关键词:螺旋输送机;螺旋轴;连续运输 Abstract Screw conveyor is the use of motor driven screw axis rotation, the spiral passage materials so as to realize the purpose of mechanical transmission, it can be horizontal, inclined or vertical transmission, suitable for short distance transportation, has the advantages of simple structure, compact structure, cover an area of an area small, easy to sealed, convenient operation and management. The mission is to design a horizontal conveying of wheat, rice and other kinds of food screw conveyor, the throughput of 30 t/h, conveying distance is 8 meters, inside and outside are able to adapt to。 Key research in with the reasonable choice of drive, drive the reasonable for screw conveyor in the efficiency, stability and security of all has a bigger role。 As far as possible the transport of its characteristics, as far as possible the reduction of the resistance of the material conveying, as far as possible, dont let the material and the spiral vane bond and make the conveyor to lose its ability to deliver。 This design illustrates the working principle of screw conveyor。 According to throughput and transmission distance of the screw diameter, and the minimum needed to spiral power, so as to choose according to the spiral power motor, reducer, coupling. Keywords: screw conveyor;screw axis;continuous transportation PAGE PAGE V 目 录TOC \o ”1—3 \h \u 23507 1 引 言 1 24581 1.1 课题背景 1 8554 1。2 课题的构思和思路 1 10684 1.3 螺旋输送机的设备组成 1 18423 1。4 螺旋输送机


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