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Part One
Fundamentals of Linguistics and Literature
Ⅰ. Define the following
terms in your own words(每题必答,共20分)
1 argument
【答案】An argument can be defined as a statement or a
set of statements used in order to try to convince othe that your opinion
about an issue is correct. It is an attempt to demotrate the truth of an
assertion, and it is a reasoned and researched claim.查看答案
2 coonant
【答案】Coonants are produced by a closure in the
vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape
without producing audible friction.查看答案
3 see
【答案】See refe to the abstract properties of an
entity. It is defined in terms of relatiohips which hold between the
linguistic elements themselves. It is concerned with intra-linguistic
4 minimal pair
【答案】In phonology, minimal pai are pai of words
or phrases in a particular language that differ in only one phonological unit
and have distinct meanings. They are used to demotrate that two phones are
two separated phonemes in the language.查看答案
5 foregrounding
【答案】Foregrounding is defined as artistically
motivated deviation. This deviation, or uncommon usage, involves all levels of
language: vocabulary, sound, meaning, graphology, etc.查看答案
6 the gilded age
【答案】It is coined by Mark Twain satirically
describing the time period in order to address some of the problems in the
United States, such as recotruction, poverty in all areas of the US,
political and corporate corruption and so on.查看答案
7 individualism
【答案】Individualism is the moral stance, political
philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that emphasizes the moral worth of the
individual. Individualists promote the exercise of one’s goals and desires and
so value independence and self-reliance, and advocate their interests of the
individual should achieve precedent over the state or a social group, while
opposing external interference upon one’s
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