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Section A (2a-2d);festival;A: Whats this festival? B: It is ... A: What do people usually do on this festival? B: I think / guess / know that ... A: What a / an ... festival! / How ... it is!;2a;2b;Fill in the blanks using the right words.;Wu Ming believes whether June is a good time. Wu Ming thinks that June is a perfect time to visit. Harry wonders that he ate at least five meals a day. Wu Ming thinks that Hong Kong is a good place for shopping.;A: What did you do on your vacation? B: I visited my cousins. I think that we ate five meals a day! I’ve put on five pounds! A: I guess the food was delicious, right?;After watching dragon boat races in Hong Kong, ;Have you ever been to Thailand? Do you know anything about the Water Festival in Thailand?(the weather/food…) Do you think the Water Festival is fun and fantastic?;Role-play the conversation.;Clara: Yes, I think so. This is the time of the Thai New Year. People go on the streets to throw water at each other. Ben: Cool! But why do they do that? Clara: Because the new year is a time for cleaning and washing away bad things. Then you’ll have good luck in the new year.;Fill in the blanks according to the conversation.;1. Wu Ming and Harry are cousins / strangers / friends. 吴明和哈里是表兄弟/陌生人/朋友。 stranger作名词,意为“陌生人”,是由形容词 strange加后缀-r构成的名词。 ?A stranger walked up to me and shook my hand. 有个陌生人向我走来跟我握手。;2.I’ve put on five pounds! 我都胖了五镑了! put on意为“增加(体重);发胖”。 ?I exercise every day, so I never put on weight. 我能想吃什么就吃什么,但是从来不发胖。;3.I wonder if it’s similar to the water festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province. 我想知道它是否和云南傣族的泼水节相似。 similar 是形容词,意为“相似的;相像的”,无比较级,常用短语“be similar to…”意为“与……相似”。 ?She is similar to her mother. 她长得像妈妈。;4. People go on the streets to throw water at each other. throw at 抛向;泼向;洒向。动词throw后接所投掷的物体,用介词at引入泼洒的对象。 ? On our way here, someone threw a stone at our car, but fortunately we were n



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